Medjugorje: Here is the ultimatum of the Madonna in recent message…The Queen of peace leaves us firm words: “The time has come!”
In the message that the Virgin Mary left recently to the visionary Mirjana was as always a great exhortation to prayer, to the recitation of the Holy Rosary, to the opening of the heart and to love of neighbor, but between the lines of the message not many seem to have noticed, there is a real “ultimatum” to humanity: ” The time has come to kneel before my Son, who acknowledge Him as your God ”
Our heavenly mother leaves us a clear and firm warning, which invites us not to waste any more time and to kneel down all before her Son and our Lord Jesus Christ.
What is a warning to the imminent arrival of the expected 10 secrets of Medjugorje?

Here is the original message of September 2, 2019:
“Dear children, pray, pray the Rosary every day, this wreath of flowers that binds me directly, as a mother, to your sorrows, your sufferings, your desires and hopes.Apostles of my love, I am with you through the grace of my Son’s love and I ask you for prayers.
In order to convert souls, the world needs your prayers so much. In order to change souls, I ask you for prayers.
Open your hearts with total trust to my Son and He will write His words in them and this is love. Live an indissoluble bond with the Sacred Heart of my Son.My children, as a mother I speak to you! The time has come to kneel before my Son, who recognizes Him as your God , the center of your life. Offer him the gifts: what he loves most of all is love of neighbor, mercy and a pure heart.Apostles of my love, many of my children still do not recognize my Son as their God, they have not yet known His love, but you, with your prayer told with a pure and open heart, with the gifts that you offer to my Son, you will do yes that even the most hardened hearts open. Apostles of my love, the strength of prayer from the heart, the powerful prayer full of love changes the world, therefore my children, pray, pray, pray. I am with you, I thank you “.
Thank you Great Virgin Mary our Mother. Thank you for your Maternal & for interceding for us. Have Mercy on us & guide us all on our earthly pilgrimage to our eternal Joyful Rest in Heaven.