Horror: Shooting in Cathedral During Mass. 5 Dead at Church Shrine for Marian Apparition of “Our Lady of Tears”
AN ARMED man has reportedly invaded the Campinas Cathedral in Sao Paulo, Brazil, shooting nine people and allegedly committing suicide after the attack.
Five people were killed, including the gunman, and the other three were rushed to hospital after the attacker stormed in during mass, reported Campinas and Region.
It was frightful,” witness Alexandre Moraes told the GloboNews channel.
“He entered and shot randomly at people. They were all praying.”
Emergency services were dispatched to the scene around 1:20 pm.
The third victim is reported to be in a stable state.
However, there is no information as to which unit the injured victim has been sent.
The area surrounding the Cathedral has been cordoned off and and CCTV monitoring cameras showing the rescue by ambulance crew has recorded emergency operation in the area.
Locals took to Twitter to share the situation.
One person said: “Whenever I’m in Campinas I get scared, so now I just know that a guy shot eight people in the cathedral and then committed suicide
Apparition at Campinas:
On March 8th, 1930, the Virgin appeared to a religious from the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus Crucified, Amalia Aguirre of the Savior Scourged: “I was in the chapel when I suddenly felt that I was lifting up. I saw a lady of indescribable beauty approach me.”
She was dressed in a purple dress, a blue cloak and a white veil that covered even the chest. The Most Holy Virgin would display a rosary with her tears, for converting sinners.
On Dec 8, 1927, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Sister Amalia Aguirre made her temporary vows and received her habit.
During the fall of 1929, one of Sister Amalia’s male relatives called on her at the convent. He was in great need. His wife was seriously ill, and he was greatly distressed. He relayed to sister, that according to the diagnosis of several doctors, his spouse’s affliction was incurable, and he did not know what to do or what God expected of him. She was his last hope.
Grief-stricken and teary-eyed, her relation cried despairingly aloud, “What will happen to the children?”
Sister Amalia’s heart also grieved at the sight of her relative’s sorrow, and the hardship facing both him and his dependent offspring. Her innate inclinations compelled her to desire to help in any way possible, so while this tale of woe was being told, she turned interiorly towards our Divine Savior in deep reflection and prayer, seeking intently what she could offer or do.
Simultaneously listening and soul-searching, Sister Amalia felt an inner impulse urging her to visit Jesus in church. When their meeting had ended, she faithfully and swiftly responded to this calling.
Upon entering the house of God, Sister Amalia reverently genuflected and proceeded to the steps just before the altar. Here she knelt down and extended her arms towards Jesus in the tabernacle.
In this devout disposition and posture — humbly submissive to our Eucharistic King — she spoke to Jesus, “If there is no hope for the wife of T. . ., then I am ready to offer my life for the mother of the family. What do you want me to do?”
Jesus answered, “If you want to receive these favors, ask me for the sake of My Mother’s tears.”
Finally, Jesus added, “My daughter, whatever people will beg Me for the sake of the tears of My Mother, I shall lovingly grant them.
“Later, My Mother will hand over this treasure to our beloved Institute as a Magnet of mercy.”
On Dec 8, 1931 Monsignor Campos Barreto, Bishop of the Diocese of Campinas, established the Institute with Sister Amalia’s help as a cofoundress. Sister was also one of the first eight women to dedicate their lives to the service of God there.
In 1934, Msgr. Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas approved the devotion of Rosary of Our Lady of Tears. He gave an Imprimatur to the Rosary of Tears and recommended use of the medal, saying it had already worked many miracles in Brazil and Europe.