Incredible words from Atheist and ex-college professor who goes to Catholic Mass. “There is a war on and I’m drawn to enlist.. Catholicism must be saved”

From a post on Facebook by Steve Skojec of One Peter Five

From a Rod Dreher comment thread, something really incredible:

“I’ve had a strange few years after leaving academics and the life of a professor. After a life on the far left, I’ve become, somehow, very conservative, disillusioned with ‘progress’ and ‘justice.’

More to the point, I’ve felt pulled in the direction of Catholicism. Which is inappropriate, because I still don’t believe and I’m not sure that I ever will. Yet I attend mass semi-regularly, quiet in the back. I can’t stop reading the texts and histories of Christianity. I’ve asked several times whether I can convert and just be the atheist Catholic in the parish. Why? I don’t understand it myself.

And after this latest scandal, I feel double the pull, as if there’s a war on and I’m drawn to go and enlist. Whether I believe or not, I feel as though Catholicism must be saved, as though its continued critical mass (no pun intended) is the last, invisible, unacknowledged line of defense against something historic and terrible—and people who are willing to stand up against the current culture and who continue to believe in the anachronistic notion of integrity must go and man the pews and hold territory, hold the line, for everyone.

I’m rather confused myself, I suppose. I’m told it’s not quite appropriate that I try to convert to Catholicism as an atheist. And because I still believe in integrity, even if I don’t always perfectly practice it, I can’t bring myself to lie just to join.

But the pull is strong and getting stronger the more damage is done. And I’ll continue to attend mass to occupy space, to be some part of an important reality that can’t be allowed to fade.

What happens to the world if the worse things get, the more good people flee or simply concede, rather than fight? Nothing good, I think. My kids have to live in this world and in this country. It needs to not be a world or a country in which the values of Christianity have been, according to common wisdom, entirely discredited as nonsense that only the superstitious and repressed believe in any longer.

Meanwhile, I find myself trying very hard to believe, pushing hard on the “In” door while others are pushing to get out.”

4 thoughts on “Incredible words from Atheist and ex-college professor who goes to Catholic Mass. “There is a war on and I’m drawn to enlist.. Catholicism must be saved”

  • Maybe he should stop pushing the “In” door and let the door to his soul swing “In” so the Holy Spirit can enter?

  • your article encouraged me to keep on walking with God when the world so to say has turned away from Him to find the false freedom they are embracing that only leads them to nowhere in the end.
    One Peter Five says it all. We are the flock of God and should put our trust in Him alone for every need.
    Today we are being stripped of many truths that have now been declared as untruths. Good is being called evil and evil good. All that is needed for this to happen is the changing of our laws to suit any circumstances and people will believe that it has become acceptable in the eyes of the law.
    God’s call to all calls is to ”COME AS YOU ARE” He will do the rest, (True Life in God messages.13/10/910). Keep on going the way you chose and don’t give up.
    From an 80-year-old granddad.

    • your comment is so great .. You made my day, my year, You are an awesome 80 year old granddad

  • My comment is from the heart and it looks that it was received from an open heart that longs for Godly Wisdom. Let those who have ears hear as this is a blessing to have received from God

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