Q. What does Our Lady recommend for the good of all souls?

V. We must, really change, begin to pray; and we, beginning to pray, will discover what she wants from us, where she will take us. Without this start to pray, just open up with the heart, we won’t even understand what you want from us.

D. Our Lady always says to pray well, to pray with the heart, to pray a lot. But doesn’t he also tell us some tricks to learn how to pray like that?Because I always get distracted …

V. This could be: Our Lady certainly wants us to pray a lot, but before we can pray much and truly with the heart, we must start and begin by keeping our space in your heart and in your person to the Lord, trying to free you from all this which bothers you to have this contact and pray. And when you are so free, you can begin to pray with your heart and say a “Our Father”. You can say few prayers, but tell them with your heart. And then, little by little, when you say these prayers, these words of yours that you say also become part of your life, so you will have the joy of praying. And then, later, it will become so much (that is: you will be able to pray a lot).

D. So many times prayer does not enter our life, so we have moments of prayer that are completely detached from the action, do not translate them into life: there is this division. How can we help ourselves to make this memory? Because our choices are many times in contrast with the prayer made earlier.

V. Here, perhaps we will have to make sure that prayer becomes truly joy. And as prayer is joy for us, so work can also become joy for us. For example you say: “Now I hurry to pray because so much to do”, it is because you love so much that work you do and love less than being with the Lord to pray. You mean you have to do a little bit of effort and some exercise. If you truly love being with the Lord, you love so much to talk with Him, truly prayer becomes joy, from which your way of being, of doing, of working will also flow.


Q. How can we convince the skeptics, those who make fun of you?

V. With words you will never convince them; and don’t even try to start; but with your life, with your love and with your constant prayer for them, you will convince them of the reality of life that you do.

Source: Medjugorje Echo n. 45