As in every occasion of the message of the 25th of the month, at the end of the day there is a telephone interview on Radio Maria with the visionary Marija. In the interview on this occasion, we transcribed the exchange of words between the director of Radio Maria Padre Livio Fanzaga, and the visionary who received the message.
Before reading the interview, let’s review together the message of the 25th of this month August 2019
“Dear children! I thank God for each of you. In a special way, children, thank you for having responded to my call. I prepare you for new times so that you may be steadfast in faith and persevering in prayer, so that the Holy Spirit may work through you and renew the face of the earth. I pray with you for peace, the most precious gift, even if Satan wants war and hatred. You children, hold my hands out and walk proudly with God. Thank you for having responded to my call. “

Interview: “Our Lady was happy to see us” – the visionary Marija told Radio Maria – in large numbers, for having responded to her call. There were 270 priests to celebrate in the Church of Medjugorje and many, many, for confessions. This is thanksgiving to God for the presence of Our Lady in our midst.
What are the new times for which Our Lady is preparing us? (question from Father Livio)
We see that Our Lady is preparing us for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart, and as she says, she prepares us for these times asking us to be firm in the faith. Her coming among us is a breath of the Holy Spirit of God.
Especially in recent times Our Lady emphasizes the importance of being firm in the faith, we must be strong to go against the current sign of the times
Many times we forget the heart of our faith, here in Medjugorje there is the heart of faith, also this evening there was a great prayer of praise. When we pray together we feel this great love that exists for Our Lady.
Mirjana told me in my interview with her, “I don’t want to talk very much about the secrets, because secrets are secrets. I want to say one thing that is very important. Blessed Mary said, ‘What I started at Fatima, I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.’ If the heart of our Mother will triumph, we don’t need to be scared of anything. It’s only important to put our life in her hands and not to think about secrets. We should think about the messages and what she asked for us, so that we can help her Immaculate Heart to triumph.” – Dan Lynch Author of “Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets – How to Prepare”,
In her own words the Blessed Mother spoke of the need to prepare telling Mirjana in a special message: “Dear children! I thank God for each of you. In a special way, children, thank you for having responded to my call. I prepare you for new times so that you may be steadfast in faith and persevering in prayer, so that the Holy Spirit may work through you and renew the face of the earth. I pray with you for peace, the most precious gift, even if Satan wants war and hatred. You children, hold my hands out and walk proudly with God. Thank you for having responded to my call. “ Queen of Peace 2019
“Only when the things contained in the secrets start to happen will the world understand why Our Lady chose March 18. The significance of the date will be clear.” Mirjana

My new book, “Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets – How to Prepare”, contains information from a personal interview that I had with visionary Mirjana on how to respond to Our Lady’s requests. Click here to order book
“Medjugorje is the continuation and fulfillment of Fatima.
In 1917, during World War I, Mary appeared at Fatima to three shepherd children. Pope Benedict XVI later said, “At a time when the human family was ready to sacrifice all that was most sacred on the altar of the petty and selfish interests of nations, races, ideologies, groups and individuals, our Blessed Mother came from heaven, offering to implant in the hearts of all those who trust in her the love of God burning in her own heart.…” (Homily at Fatima, May 13, 2010).
Mary said at Fatima, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.” St. Pope John Paul II apparently believed that the apparitions at Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, were a continuation and fulfillment of the apparitions at Fatima.
Mirjana, one of the visionaries at Medjugorje, said that Pope John Paul II told her, “Medjugorje is hope for the entire world. And if I were not Pope, I would have been in Medjugorje a long time ago.”
Mirjana told me, “The most important thing is to respond to her requests for conversion, faith, prayer and fasting and not to be fearful of any secrets.”
It’s time to get ready and prepare for the Ten Secrets. Learn about the urgency of the requests of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, and how to respond to them. Help her to bring the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the period of peace. Mary told Mirjana, “Be Ready.”
Father Petar, designated recipient of Mirjana’s First Secret, said, “Everything is closer and closer. Never in the whole world has the situation been so sad and so bad.…Never in history have there been so many sinners and unbelievers. We are feeling that something has to happen very quickly. It cannot continue like this much longer. God has to do something very quickly!”
Father Livio Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria in Medjugorje, said, “I believe that the time of secrets coincides with the 40th year of appearances.” That year is now, 2021!
As Mark Mallett recently wrote, “It will be forty years now that the Church has been visited by this Woman Clothed in the Sun in Medjugorje, as of June 24th, 2021. If this Balkan apparition is indeed the fulfilment of Fatima, then forty years may bear some significance. For it was forty years after wandering in the desert that God began to lead His people toward the Promised Land.”