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The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a liturgical feast of the Catholic Church and of the Orthodox Church that commemorates the birth of Mary and is celebrated on September 8th. According to the tradition handed down by the Protovangelo di Giacomo, one of the apocryphal gospels, Maria was born from Gioacchino and Anna.
For the Orthodox Church the birth of Mary is of particular importance and is counted as one of the 12 major festivals. The party was born first in the East; was introduced into the Western Church by Pope Sergius I in the seventh century. An expression of this devotion to this Marian event is the Duomo of Milan itself, consecrated by St. Charles Borromeo and dedicated to Maria Nascente, Mariae Nascenti , as it appears written on the façade. For centuries the birth of the Madonna is celebrated on September 8, but from Medjugorje another date was revealed by Mary herself.
The date of his birth, the Madonna revealed it in 1984, in the first years of his apparitions in the village in Bosnia Herzegovina. To tell this incredible story was one of the visionaries, Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, during a meeting of the visionary with the pilgrims, on Easter Sunday in 2004. On that occasion, Marija told:
“Our Lady told us that August 5th was her birthday and we decided to order a cake. It was 1984 and the Madonna was 2000 years old, so we thought about making a nice big cake. In the prayer group that was in the rectory we were 68, plus the group that was on the hill, in total we were a hundred. We decided to get everyone together to make this big cake. I don’t know how we managed to take it all up to the hill of the cross! We put out the candles and there were lots of sugar roses. The Madonna then appeared and we sang “happy birthday to you”.

Then, in the end, Ivan came by and spontaneously offered a sugar rose to the Madonna.She took it, accepted our wishes and prayed about us. We were in seventh heaven. But we were puzzled by the sugar rose and the next day at five in the morning we went up the hill to look for the rose but we thought that Our Lady had not taken it with her but we could not find the sugar rose. So our joy was so great, because then knew that Our Lady took the sugar rose with her to heaven. Ivan was all proud because he had come up with this idea. This is to say that with Jesus and the Madonna you can indulge yourself as much as you want. Many people tell me: “But isn’t August 5th the Madonna’s birthday? So why are we celebrating September 8th? ”I say: celebrate it twice. Why do we have to complicate life? For the Madonna the birthday we can celebrate it twice. During the vacation time on August 5th we can celebrate it with friends. For example, for a friend of ours who goes with the oratory in the mountains with 200 children, the most beautiful party is that. He has the letters of wishes written to the Madonna. During the year he is having a great time because he collects all these baskets with letters; he thought of burning them but then decided to keep them and when he has moments of sadness, he reads the children’s letters and feels great joy. You too can do something similar on August 5th with your friends during the holidays for the Madonna. We have seen that Our Lady has given us so many ideas to be able to celebrate with you “
So that on his birthday you can really repeat to the words she said on the evening of August 5, 1984: “Dear children! Today I am happy, so happy! I never cried with pain in my life as I cry with joy tonight! Thank you!”

Best wishes, Mom! Greetings, Gospa!
The visionary, at the specific request of the Madonna, has transcribed the entire story by filling three substantial notebooks in view of the publication that will take place when the Madonna will authorize it and under the responsibility of a priest that the visionary has already chosen.

So far nothing is known about this story. The Madonna allowed only her birthday to be announced: August 5th.
This happened in 1984, on the occasion of the two thousandth anniversary of his birth, granted extraordinary and innumerable graces. On 1 August 1984 the Madonna asked for a triduum of prayer and fasting in preparation: “Next 5 August we celebrate the second millennium of my birth. For that day God allows me to give you special graces and to give the world a special blessing. I ask you to prepare intensely with three days to devote exclusively to me. In those unworked days. Take your rosary wreath and pray. Fast on bread and water. Over the course of all these centuries I have dedicated myself completely to you: is it too much now if I ask you to dedicate at least three days to me? “ Thus on 2, 3 and 4 August 1984, that is, in the three days before the celebration of the 2000th birthday of the Madonna, in Medjugorje no one worked and all dedicated themselves to prayer, especially the rosary, and to fasting. The visionaries said that in those days the Celestial Mother appeared particularly joyful, repeating: “I am very happy!Continue, continue. Continue to pray and fast. Continue to make me happy every day. “The very many confessions were heard without interruption by as many as seventy priests, and a large number of people were converted. “The priests who will hear the confessions will have a great joy that day”. And in fact many priests later confided with enthusiasm that never in their lives had they felt so much joy in their hearts!

We too, every year, can offer a gift to the Queen of Peace for her birthday. Preparing to celebrate it with her with confession, even if we have recently confessed, with daily Mass, with prayer and fasting. If it is not possible for us to fast, we offer sacrifices: alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, sweets … we will certainly not miss opportunities to give up something to offer to her..
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