Reflections on June 25, 2020 anniversary message – Medjugorje: Mary intercedes for us like at the wedding at Cana. “Your life is passing and, without God, does not have meaning.”

“I intercede for you with my son who is the way, the truth and the  life”. These touching words of Our Lady are in the  the message of the thirty-ninth anniversary of the apparitions.

This is the invitation of the Queen of Peace on an extremely important day for all those who follow the apparitions of Medjugorje. An invitation to conversion and prayer, as the only way that leads to Christ.


Medjugorje: commentary on the message of June 25, 2020

Our Lady of Medjugorje still offers us the joy of commenting on her message on the day chosen by her to celebrate the anniversary of her first appearance in the village of Bosnia. They are profound and extraordinary words, full of meaning that clarify the true meaning of our life, deeply touching our heart and our sensitivity.

The Virgin has always made her debut in her messages with the phrase “dear children”, words which, spoken by her, warm and inflame our hearts. “Dear children, I listen to your supplications and prayers and intercede for you with my Son” . This maternal presence of hers does not fail to make herself felt and reminds us of Mary’s role; that of our mediator.

June 25, 2020 Medjugorje Message:

“Dear children! I am listening to your cries and prayers, and am interceding for you before my Son Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Return, little children, to prayer and open your hearts in this time of grace and set out on the way of conversion. Your life is passing and, without God, does not have meaning. This is why I am with you to lead you towards holiness of life, so that each of you may discover the joy of living. I love you all, little children, and am blessing you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

She herself says: “I listen to your prayers and intercede for you with my Son”, as she did at the wedding at Cana , Mary intervenes in our life and invites Jesus her Son to listen to our supplications. This shows the role of the Madonna to be our medaitrix.

Medjugorje message 25 June 2020

Your life is passing and it makes no sense without God

She, from Medjugorje, wants to remind us that life is a breath , as writing says a day like a thousand years, a thousand years like a day . What gives meaning to our life is the presence of God. He our creator, is always present, even when we are unable to feel it. If we pay a little more attention and stop to think, we can realize that in fact with every step we take, in every situation we live, positive or negative, God is there.

“Therefore I am with you to guide you towards holiness.” Mary invites us to rediscover the joy of living and embark on the path to holiness, reminding us that what we are going through is a time of grace because it offers us the possibility, despite all the difficulties of our present, to draw closer to God by starting a serious process of conversion.

Medjugorje: Children, I love you all and I bless you

“Children, I love you all and I bless you with my maternal blessing”. Mary calls us children and shows us her love as a Mother , she does not love all of us but each of us, in a special, particular and unique way. There is no sweeter name on earth than that of a mother, a manifestation of kindness, tenderness and comfort.

God gives earthly mothers a big heart , capable of loving ready to sacrifice themselves for their children. The Blessed Virgin is the Mother par excellence; the depth of her Heart cannot be fathomed, since God filled her with exceptional gifts, thus becoming the Mother of the Word made flesh but also of all the redeemed.

In Medjugorje, Our Lady made a gift to the world, she gives us her maternal and special blessing : we must receive it with gratitude. We must treasure it but keep it for us. In fact, the Virgin herself asks anyone who has received it to pass it on to everyone. Such as? There is no formula, it is transmitted from the heart.

Coronavirus Medjugorje 30 March 2020This special blessing of Mary is a true grace, a free gift that God makes and that he transmits to each of us through the hands of Mary Our Mother. Our Lady also concludes her last message of this June 25, 2020 with the words “Thanks for to have answered my call 

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