Signs ….Putin: ‘Don’t threaten a NUCLEAR power’ … Warns of Retaliation if England Responds with Punitive Measures Due to Spy Attack… British Newspaper Reports “The ultimatum has sparked World War 3 Fears”

 VLADIMIR Putin’s envoys in the UK have refused to respond to Britain’s ultimatum over the chemical attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury. In a statement on Twitter the Russian embassy threaten retaliation if Theresa May was to respond with “punitive measures”.

Theresa May: Russia ‘highly likely’ to be responsible for Skripal

Theresa May earlier issued Russian President Vladimir Putin  24 hours to respond to claims that Russia was “highly likely” behind the attempted murder of Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia.
The ultimatum has sparked World War 3 fears as Whitehall sources revealed the Prime Minister could launch a cyber attack on Russia in the wake of recent events.
It is thought Britain might target Kremlin propaganda machines, with Whitehall sources suggesting the UK will up the ante on its offensive cyber programme.

But the Russian embassy in the UK has hit back at the ultimatum and warned Mrs May against “punitive measures”.

In a further blunt warning to the Prime Minister, Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova added nobody should threaten a nuclear power, according to the nation’s the state-run RIA news agency.

In a series of tweets the Russian embassy in the UK said: “Moscow will not respond to London’s ultimatum until it receives samples of the chemical substance to which the UK investigators are referring.“Britain must comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention which stipulates joint investigation into the incident, for which Moscow is ready.“Without that, there can be no sense in any statements from London. The incident appears to be yet another crooked attempt by the UK authorities to discredit Russia.“Any threat to take ‘punitive’ measures against Russia will meet with a response. The British side should be aware of that.

“Today the Embassy sent a note to the Foreign Office reiterating that Russia is not involved in the Salisbury incident and outlining the above mentioned demands for joint investigation.”

Vladimir Putin Russian spy attack newsGETTY•EPA

Putin’s envoys in the UK have refused to respond to Britain’s ultimatum over the Russian spy attack

The embassy added: “UK Ambassador Laurence Bristow was summoned to Russia’s ministry of foreign affairs, where first deputy FM Vladimir Titov strongly protested the evidence-free accusations by the UK authorities of Russia’s alleged involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.“It was stated that the actions of the UK authorities are a clear provocation and that the Russian Federation was not involved in the incident that took place in Salisbury on March 4, 2018.”Mr Skripal, a former Russian spy turned MI6 agent, and his dauther are in a critical condition after they were found unconscious in Salisbury, Wiltshire, shortly after 4pm on Sunday, March 4.Following the incident Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, said: “We have to be alive to the fact of state threats.”

In a phone call with Theresa May today, Donald Trump said the US is “with the UK all the way” over investigation into the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.


One thought on “Signs ….Putin: ‘Don’t threaten a NUCLEAR power’ … Warns of Retaliation if England Responds with Punitive Measures Due to Spy Attack… British Newspaper Reports “The ultimatum has sparked World War 3 Fears”

  • It is normal for one to believe what one wants to believe. However, when the consequences are grave, one should try as strenuously as possible, to follow reason and evidence. I will suggest that investigators ought to consider the context, where Putin is trying to be reelected, and whether or not, his involvement in such an act would help or hamper his ambitions. Why would he wait for years to commit this attack, an attack which could also have been tried anytime after his election? Would it be in the interest for his enemies to choose this time to commit such an act?

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