Medjugorje Priests Witness to Inexplicable facts …”And suddenly the woman’s word’s appeared in front of the priest’s eyes as a vivid image.”

From La Luce Di Maria    Translated by Google


“And suddenly the woman’s word’s appeared in front of the priest’s eyes as a vivid image.


The priests who are in the Medjugorje confessors say that what has happened in that place has never happened in their own cities  or in the parishes where the faithful served on behalf of the Lord. You ask what kind of unusual things the parish priests refer to and to explain it we will mention the example of a French priest found in front of a language barrier that he thought insurmountable.

The priest told of a day when an Italian lady appeared in her confessional in Medjugorje: the woman began to speak without a brake, he tried to tell her in French that she would do better to turn to an Italian colleague (she is well known that for both confessions to be valid both parties must understand perfectly), but this did not take care of the priest’s words and continued to speak.

The pastor found himself struggling, so he asked the Lord, “What am I doing?” And suddenly everything that the woman told him appeared to him in front of the eyes as a vivid image. The priest was even more surprised when, when he came to answer, he spoke in a perfect and eloquent Italian (the priest had never studied the language). After that grace received, the priest is able to spend hours in Medjugorje confessors without ever tiring.

This story shows how God keeps us from having his children confess and purify themselves from their sins. On the other hand, confession is a fundamental sacrament for the salvation of the soul: within this Sacrament, in fact, two sinners meet to magnify divine mercy, one has received the power to forgive sins, while the other is approaches him to tell his misery. And from this meeting, the blood of Christ flows to purify the penitent who wants to expiate his sins.

It is for this reason that Our Lady invites the faithful to confess at least once a month, since no one remains stainless all this time. The Celestial Mother also invites with the intention of not sinning any more so as not to frustrate this wonderful opportunity of redemption.