Medjugorje: “Secrets and Fatima” Most Famous Monthly Message ‘I call you, dear children, to understand the importance of my coming …everything that I desire will be fulfilled through the secrets I began in Fatima…Grasp the seriousness of the situation!’
To understand Medjugorje one must understand Fatima.
August 25, 1991 Message for the world given to Marija:
“Dear Children! Today also I invite you to prayer, now as never before when my plan has begun to be realized. Satan is strong and wants to sweep away my plans of peace and joy and make you think that my Son is not strong in His decisions.Therefore, I call all of you, dear children, to pray and fast still more firmly. I invite you to self-renunciation for nine days so that, with your help, everything that I desire to be fulfilled through the secrets I began in Fatima. I call you, dear children, to now grasp the importance of my coming and the seriousness of the situation. I want to save all souls and present them to God. Therefore, let us pray that everything I have begun be fully realized. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Originally Published i La Luce Di Maria…Translated By Google
Mirjana: “Our Lady is completing what she started in Fatima in Medjugorje”
Q: Has Our Lady said anything about Garabandal or other apparitions?
Mirjana: Only about Fatima. She said, “What I have started in Fatima I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph”. I cannot go into details. That’s the only apparition she mentioned aside from Medjugorje.
In an interview granted to the microphones of ‘ Radio Maria ‘ Mirjana spoke to Father Livio about the secrets revealed by Our Lady and about the relationship between the apparitions of Fatima and those of Medjugorje . Knowing that some of the secrets contain the revelations of punishments and catastrophes, Father Livio urges his guest to explain why she always preaches calm and serenity inviting the faithful not to be afraid and Mirjana replies: “But because there is nothing to have fear. I do not understand why you should be afraid. I just want to tell all my brothers and sisters that fear does not help. Fear is given only by those who do not have the Lord in the first place in the heart “. Father Livio then asks her if we are really safe and Mirjana answers with two questions that lead the priest to give her reason: “If in the first place in your heart there are the Lord and the Madonna, what should you be afraid of? Explain me?”.

The certainty expressed by the visionary brings father Livio to ask her why some of her colleagues claim that secrets can be mitigated with prayers and she claims instead that what is decided can not be changed. Mirjana says that she was sure that the secrets would be discussed and that in reality what is contained in the secrets can not be changed. At this point the priest asks her if she confirms her interpretation of a message of Our Lady , if she really thinks that in that message the Celestial Mother wanted to say that her work began in Fatima and continued inMedjugorje and the visionary confirms her thought
Finally Father Livio asks her why at the same time the Blessed Virgin is worried that the new generation will build a world without God and she answers: “I think that with this warning Our Lady wants to warn us, as if to say:” Where are you? going?Wait, stop! What do you want from your life? Do you want a real life or do you want that fake life created with materialism and with all earthly things? Building a world completely without the Lord I think it’s impossible. “
You brood of viper!
The LORD will judge you, and then you’ll regret your lies, you hipocrits!