Medjugorje: A prayer of liberation and healing of that will lift you up from torments! Our Lady’s urgent plea to pray like never before -“It’s high-time”

Let us listen to the words of the Lord; let us take a few minutes to reflect and pray to Jesus. Let us learn to love as Christ has loved us.
Jesus the Savior,
My Lord and my God,
that you redeemed us with the sacrifice of the Cross
and you have defeated the power of satan,
please free me / (to free me and my family)
from every evil presence
and from every influence of the evil one.
I ask you in Your Name,
I ask you for Your Wounds,
I ask you for Your Blood,
I ask you for Your Cross,
I ask you for intercession
of Mary Immaculate and Sorrowful.
Blood and water
that spring from your side
come down on me / (us) to purify (purify us)
to free me / (free ourselves) to heal / (to heal).
The prayer of healing and release of body and spirit held in the church of St. James in Medjugorje.

O Lord you are great, you are God, you are Father, we pray for intercession and with the help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, so that our brothers and sisters may be freed from the evil one.
¨ From anguish, from sadness, from obsessions. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord. “From hatred, from fornication, from envy. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord From the thoughts of jealousy, anger, death. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord. From every thought of suicide and abortion. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord
From every form of bad sexuality. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord. From family division, from every bad friendship. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord from every form of evil, of an invoice, of sorcery and of any hidden evil. We pray you, deliver us, O Lord.
Let us pray: O Lord, who said: “I leave you peace, I give you my peace”, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, grant us to be free from any curse and to always enjoy your peace. For Christ our Lord. Amen.
Papaboys editorial staff

September 2, 2019 Special Message to Mirjana
“Dear children, pray! Pray the Rosary every day—that wreath of flowers which, as a mother, directly connects me with your pains, sufferings, desires, and hopes. Apostles of my love, I am with you through the grace and the love of my Son, and I am asking for prayers of you. The world is in such need of your prayers for souls to be converted. With complete trust, open your hearts to my Son, and in them He will inscribe the summary of His words—which is love. Live in an unbreakable connection with the Most Sacred Heart of my Son. My children, as a mother, I am telling you that it is high time for you to kneel before my Son to acknowledge Him as your God, the centre of your life. Offer gifts to Him—that which He most loves—which is love towards neighbour, mercy, and pure hearts. Apostles of my love, many of my children still do not acknowledge my Son as their God; they have not yet come to know His love. But you, with your prayer pronounced from a pure and open heart, by the gifts which you offer to my Son, will make even the hardest hearts open. Apostles of my love, the strength of prayer pronounced from the heart—a powerful prayer full of love—changes the world. Therefore, my children: pray, pray, pray. I am with you. Thank you.”