Medjugorje Is Approved!
On May 19, 2024, new Vatican Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena went into effect guiding the process for discerning alleged supernatural phenomena, such as at Medjugorje.
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (hereafter DDF) has set a precedent and has approved devotion linked to Medjugorje in a Note about the Spiritual Experience Connected with Medjugorje.
Pope Francis approved the Note on August 28. It recognizes the goodness of the spiritual fruits linked to Medjugorje, authorizing the faithful to adhere to it – according to the new Norms for discerning these phenomena – since “many positive fruits have been noted in the midst of a spiritual experience, while negative and dangerous effects have not spread among the People of God.”
The DDF wrote in the Note that the “central aspects” of the Medjugorje messages included an emphasis on peace, Christocentrism (the centrality of Jesus Christ), the call to conversion, prayer, fasting, the Mass, and sacramental confession.
“The messages overall possess great value and express the constant teachings of the Gospel in different words,” it wrote.
Compliments by Father Svetozar Kraljevic O.F.M. for my book The Ten Secrets

Father Svetozar made the following remarks upon my presentation to him of my book, The Ten secrets of the Blessed Virgin Mary at his residence in Medjugorje:
“Dan, we met many years ago and from the beginning in Medjugorje, we have this most amazing phenomenon of people coming and investing their lives for the work of Our Lady. And this phenomenon continues on.
So, when I see this book, I see really a life — life that is broken into the pieces of these sentences for all of us to receive this wonderful inspirational witness and the moving story of another human being who is willing to give so much for the work of the Lord and for the life of the Church.
So, I see this book as the blood flowing in the body of the Church, as really the real life of the Church. I see it as the moment of outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will touch each reader. This is what we need now in this aggression of this secular thinking, in this aggression of godless logic.
It is wonderful to have a testimony, to have a book, to have a word spoken to us, to our humanity, to our time, to our children, in the name of God. So, Dan, I really thank you for being such a powerful witness of Our Lady.
To learn how to prepare for the remedy for peace, please read below for the reasons why you should buy my book, Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets.
In the 17th century, at Quito, Ecuador, the Blessed Virgin Mary prophesied to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres that during the 20th century, “The vices of impurity, blasphemy, and sacrilege will dominate in this time of depraved desolation.”In order to mitigate chastisement prophecies for the 20th century, God sent His Mother Mary to earth throughout the 20th century to warn humanity to either repent, convert, have faith, and pray, especially the Rosary, or to suffer from chastisements. However, humanity has followed the bad example of Adam and Eve, and, in pride and disobedience, disobeyed God and brought chastisements upon the world. Modern disobedience has brought chastisements such as the Second World War and Communist revolutions that caused the deaths of over 150 million people.
The third millennium ushered in the chastisements of the 9/11 Attack on America; the Indian Ocean tsunami; Hurricane Katrina; the Haitian earthquake; the Japanese earthquake/tsunami; militant jihadist Muslim terrorist attacks throughout the world; wildfires, mass killings, looting and rioting in the United States; and the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Father Marinko Sakota, a parish priest in Medjugorje said, “It is very important to listen to what Our Lady said to us in a message during that time. She said, ‘I would like to guide you in the way of salvation, return to my son Jesus, return to prayer and fasting. Do not be afraid.’’’
Jesus sent His mother to Medjugorje as the Queen of Peace to plead for repentance, conversions, prayer, fasting, and peace. However, too few have responded to stay the hand of Divine Justice which is falling upon the world. The world is reaping the fruits of its obstinate and sinful ways.
This is the time of the Ten Secrets. Father Livio Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria in Medjugorje, once said, “I believe that the time of secrets coincides with the 40th year of appearances.” 2021 was the 40th anniversary of the apparitions. So, now in 2025, God has extended the time of His mercy. We are in the overtime of God’s mercy, but soon His justice will come through the Ten Secrets and the chastisements.
We need to wake up, lift our heads and see the signs all around us. It is for our own good that God will allow His justice to be poured out in order to awaken our consciences and correct our sinful behavior.
The late, authoritative theologian, Father Renée Laurentin, recorded Mirjana’s message of October 25, 1985, regarding “the realization of the first secret.” He wrote that Mirjana said that Mary “showed me, as in a film, the realization of the First Secret. The earth was desolate.”
[Mary said] “It is the upheaval of a region of the world.” “She was precise. I cried.” [Mary said] “In the world, there are so many sins. What can I do, if you do not help me? Remember, that I love you.”
So, let us help Mary! The choice is ours: to respond to Our Lady’s requests for repentance and conversions with the consequence of peace or to reject them and suffer the consequences of chastisements.
Let us pray and be prayerful and hopeful. Jesus and Mary are with us to save us. They are here for us and we must trust in their love for us. Stay close to Jesus in the holy Eucharist through His Immaculate Mother! The late Father Slavko Barbara, former Medjugorje parish priest, said, “The Madonna did not come to announce catastrophes, but more to help us avoid them. We all know that a nuclear war is possible, even without apparitions. If the house burns, it doesn’t burn because the mother cries ‘fire.’ On the contrary, the mother comes to save the house, which is burning. In that there is hope.”
In my interview of the visionary Mirjana Soldo, she told me, “I want to say one thing that is very important. Blessed Mary said, ‘What I started at Fatima, I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.’…. We should think about the messages and what she asked for us, so that we can help her Immaculate Heart to triumph.”
Let us not forget that on July 13, 1917, Mary told the 3 children visionaries at Fatima, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph…and a New Era of Peace will be granted to the world.” Mary said that peace is necessary for the salvation of the world and that she is the Queen of Peace. May her promised New Era of Peace come quickly!
Our Lady is preparing us for everything that is about to come into the world. She has trained us to prepare for the Ten Secrets and the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. She told us, “We are now living in a time of grace, then will come the time of the secrets, followed by the triumph.” Let us confidently await in expectant hope for the prophesied Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Era of Peace.
See and listen to Dan in this short video about the Ten Secrets.
Listen to Dan talk about chastisements in this short interview on the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio beginning at minute 37.
Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.
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