Parallels: Sacred Scriptures of the Bible, Medjugorje, and the 40 Days of Warnings.
Originally Published at la Luce Di Maria Translated from Italian by Google
We emphasize that the 10 secrets of Medjugorje are not premonitions on the future, nor threats that should frighten us. They are placed exactly in the manner in which, they are found in the Sacred Scriptures, events were announced that would take place if faith had given way to disbelief.
Let us think, for example, of the message that God entrusted to Jonah, about his plan to destroy Nineveh: “Jonah began to walk the city for a day’s journey and preached:” Forty days and Nineveh will be destroyed “.
The citizens of Nineveh believed God and began to fast, pray, and do penance, from the youngest to the oldest, from the largest to the smallest. God saw their deeds, that is, they had converted from their evil conduct, and God took pity on them so he did not destroy the city.
The 10 secrets, the revelations of Mary, are meant to lead us to salvation and to call us to love for Christ.
Less than two years are left, never before has the Director of Radio Maria been so concerned. During the press review of September 13 (min. 29 et seq.) He returned to a sentence from the Message of Our Lady of September 2nd last that had struck everyone: “There is no time to hesitate to kneel before my Son, to recognize him as God “. Well, Father Livio Fanzaga said he wanted to verify the Croatian original – Maria communicates with the visionaries in their language – the expression translated as “No time” and the sense, dictionary in hand, seemed even stronger , something like “There is no time to lose”, “There is no more time”, “Time is running out”, which in the context of the Message he would make with the expression “We are running out”. Hence the statement about the Time of Secrets: “Given that we are now in the 38th year of the apparitions, I really believe that at 40 …”. On the other hand, he continued, “40” is a crucial and symbolic biblical time because it recalls the years in the desert of the people of Israel.
We are different in considering the timing of the 40 years in things. And the most recent Messages of Mary. they have reinforced this conviction: there is a different and sometimes definitive tone and then many expressions sown here and there as if to orientate those who had sufficient light – I quote only one sentence from the July 25 message: “The tests will come and you will not be strong and sin will reign “.

A confirmation on the “40” that has a really final taste is given directly by Jesus in the Books of Heaven written, in the first half of the 1900s, by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, “Adveniat Regnum Tuum, fiat voluntas Tua sicut in caelo et in terra” I reproduce the passages in full view given the delicacy of the theme.
Jesus speaks.
“My daughter, do you think it is by chance that you have held her prisoner for forty years and more, without a great drawing of mine? No, no! The number forty was always significant, and preparatory for big works. Forty years the Jews walked through the desert without being able to reach the promised land, their homeland, but after forty years of sacrifices they had the good of taking possession of it. But how many miracles, how many graces, up to nourish them with heavenly manna, in that time! A prolonged sacrifice holds virtue and strength to obtain great things from God.
I in my life down here wanted to stay forty days in the desert secluded by everyone, since my Mama, to go out in public to announce the Gospel that was to form the life of my Church, that is, the Kingdom of Redemption; forty days I wanted to remain risen to confirm my Resurrection and to put the seal on all the goods of the Redemption.
So I wanted for you, my daughter; to manifest the Kingdom of my Divine Will, I wanted forty years of sacrifices, but how many graces I did not give you! how many manifestations! I can say that in this prolixity of time I put in you all the capital of the Kingdom of my Will and all that is nec
Read also: Medjugorje: Our Lady unveils 10 secrets for humanity
Antonella Sanicanti