Jesus, King of All Nation’s, Visitations to Kansas

From December 1 through December five, Jesus, King of All Nations visited the Archdiocese of Kansas City.

It is my hope that the signs, wonders, and conversions described in Guardian Susan Kirtland’s Visitation Report will give hope to many people and lead to their practice of the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion.

Below is Susan’s  Visitation Report

Visitations were scheduled for the parishes from December 1 – 5 with the seven pastors in that region.

The first Visitation was at Saints Peter and Paul in Seneca.  Father Arul, the pastor, arranged for five priests to conduct a healing service following the procession of the sacred image by the Knights of Columbus and Exposition.

Signs, Wonders and Conversions

Father Jim, the retired priest among them, was asked to hear confessions.  Of the 80 people who attended the 2-hour Visitation, Father Jim heard 40 confessions.  I told him that he healed more people than the four other priests combined.  Allow me to share two conversions that I personally witnessed. Susan, my Co-Guardian, was with the sacred image at the right side below the sanctuary.  Three priests were in the center assisted with trained prayer ministers from Encounter and Unbound. Father Anthony and I were at the far-left side of the sanctuary in front of a life-sized crucifix.

I noticed a man in his late fifties or so weeping as the priest laid his hands on his head and prayed.  When he came to Father Anthony and me, he insisted on kneeling before the crucifix.  We had to help him kneel on the tile step as he must have had bad knees or hips.  Father Anthony placed the King’s Mantle on the man and he wept even harder.

He turned to me and asked if I would hear his confession. I looked over to Father Anthony.  Then the man said “I have not been to Confession since my Confirmation.” At that, Father Anthony removed the King’s Mantle and accompanied him to an open confessional.

“The King’s Mantle” is a prayer blanket that Jesus, King All Nations, had requested be called the “King’s Mantle”, and that it was to be sewn in a gold metallic fabric and then blessed by a Catholic priest. That had been done. Jesus also reportedly gave the prayer to be said when the Mantle was placed upon an individual: “Jesus, King of All Nations, says, ‘I will cover you with My Kingly Mercy. I will cover you with my healing power’.”

Another woman I observed was crying as she was being prayed for. She came to Father and me.  Shortly after Father placed the Mantle on her, Father Anthony whispered in her ear. He removed the Mantle and she promptly went into the confessional line with Father Jim.  At the end of the Visitation, all the priests and prayer ministers were reciting the cleansing prayers after ministry.

Father Mathew told us of a 50-year-old woman who had stage four lung cancer. I asked and described the woman I thought he was referring to, to one of the prayer minsters who was with Father Mathew. She confirmed that was the woman.

Then the prayer minister shared that the woman had also left the Catholic church thirty years ago and was very angry with the Church.  She had not stepped into a Catholic church building in that entire thirty years, but something told her she was supposed to come to Saints Peter and Paul that night First Sunday of Advent. 

A third testimony that I was made aware of concerned a young woman in her thirties.  She shared her experience with her mom a couple of days after December 1 while we were still in that region.

When she privately venerated the sacred image, she touched His Sacred Heart and asked Jesus to let her heart burn the way that His did. When she quietly went to the Prayer Team, one of the women shared that all she could see were flames as they prayed for her.  She then came over to Father Anthony and me.  Father wrapped the King’s Mantle over her shoulders.  I was prompted to place one hand on her back behind her heart and the other in front of her heart.  After a short time, I whispered to her, “Do you feel how hot your heart is?  I can feel the heat all the way through the Mantle.” She wept but did not say a word.  When her mother told me about what her daughter had experienced, I knew exactly who it was: the only one whose heart I was compelled to hold.

The last testimony in the Archdiocese of Kansas City was at St Gregory the Great Parish and School with Father Quentin.  I will share what Father Quentin told me.

After the school Mass, Father Quentin invited the children to come and venerate the image touching His heart and wounds. None of the children were offered the Mantle at that time. However, there was one young boy who had sores on his face.  A year ago, he was very ill and in a wheel chair.  Susan, my Co-Guardian, placed the Mantle on this young boy.  After the children returned to their classrooms, the young boy who had received the Mantle told his classmates about it.  Father Quentin came back and asked if the children could come back during their lunch hour and have the Mantel placed on them.

These fourth and fifth grade boys gave up their lunch hour so they could have Father Quentin place the Mantle on each of them as they venerated the sacred image. One little boy stood gazing on Jesus for over five minutes with the Mantle on. A teacher came back over to the church looking for her students. I was in the narthex at the devotional table.  I pointed out the young boy who had been standing before the image for five minutes. I said, “Future priest.”  The teacher smiled when she realized who the boy was.

Father Quentin came out and asked me how many of the aluminum medals and pins we had. He needed about 170 to give one or the other to each of the children and school staff as St. Nick gifts.  We had a total of 178 combined.  Father had a check cut for $450.00 and purchased all that we had at that time.

The Advent Pilgrimage continued into the Diocese of Salina on First Friday, December 6 in Manhattan, Kansas,  The first visitation began in the morning at St Isidore Parish on the campus of Kansas State University.  After Susan shared more information about the devotion and the connection to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Father Gale brought an image of Our Lady out and placed it near the sacred image of Jesus King of All Nations. As I was heading back to the narthex, I happened to turn around and saw a beautiful rainbow of colors washed over both images which were placed at different angles from the source. I shared the image with Father who in turn asked me to text it to him as he was going to text it out to all of the students and parishioners to invite them to attend the 12:10 Mass and venerate the visiting sacred image that day.  His homily was all about letting Jesus reign in our hearts again as Jesus King of All Nations is asking of us. As Father placed the King’s Mantle on the students after Mass, he was moved by their reverence and tears as they knelt before the image. The last student to kneel before the image and receive the Mantle is a young man who is discerning the priesthood.

That evening at 6:00 pm, the 12-hour visitation was held in a candle lit Seven Dolors parish church in Manhattan. Later that evening the sacred image moved to the parish’s perpetual adoration chapel.

At 6:00 am the next morning, the sacred image traveled 4 1/2 hours to the northwest corner of the Diocese of Salina. Sunday, December 8, at St Joseph Parish in Bird City, Kansas, began with a candle lit Rorate Caeli meditation at 7:00 am in the darkness before sunrise. Fifteen minutes of Rorate Caeli Gregorian chant filled the small church followed by 15 minutes of sacred silence. As the sacred silence ended, it was apparent that the church was filled with an unexplainable glow.

Sunday, December 15, Gaudete Sunday, included an incredible Hispanic visitation at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Salina.  Hundreds of parishioners emptied the pews to process in behind the sacred image.  Spontaneously, they started singing Viva Cristo Rey! acapella. The large image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was still displayed at the front of the church since their celebration the previous Sunday.  This photo captured the sacred image of Jesus King of All Nations with the United States flag centered behind it next to His mother as Our Lady of Guadalupe. The bishop’s cathedra and the crucifix over it can be seen in the background.

We headed north to Beloit, Kansas, the evening of December 15 from the cathedral and stayed at the Three Hearts House for the next three days.  The morning of Monday, December 16, we had intended to attend Mass but the pastors were at a deanery meeting so Mass was cancelled.  Susan and I spent 7:00 until 7:30 in the parish’s adoration chapel before driving 2 1/2 hours for two home enthronements for a Deacon and his family.  When we got out of adoration, I noticed I had received a photo via text from a young man who had been my RCIA candidate coming into the church on Easter 2024. The image appeared to be a large star in the northwest sky from earlier that morning before sunrise. When I commented about the star, he wrote back that it was not a star but a very huge cross in front of the moon. As you zoom in, it actually looks like a large monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament glowing in the middle. Northwest of Beloit, Kansas were our two final visitations of the pilgrimage–Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Esbon, Kansas, a parish that was slowly dying and there had been talk of its closing. Esbon in Hebrew means “to discern with haste” as Mary did when she went to visit Elizabeth and as the Magi did when they followed the star.  The final visitation and the main destination for the pilgrimage was the geographic center of the United States in Lebanon, Kansas.

On December 19, the visitation at Sacred Heart Parish in Plainville — in the exact center or heart of the Diocese of Salina—started with a school Mass and enthronement before adoration continued throughout the day and night.  The significance of this parish is that it hosted a Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary mission in April 2022 where a woman who had been hemorrhaging for six years since the birth of her daughter was completely healed with the bleeding stopping by the third day of the mission.  This 28-year old woman was scheduled to have a full hysterectomy the next week. A large framed image of the Flame of Love hangs in the front of the church next to the image of Divine Mercy. Statue of the Flame of Love that was wrapped in a habit of St Padre Pio and has been used in other healings is on display as well.

Saturday, December 21 began with a visitation and enthronement at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish which was the original cathedral for the region.  From there, we traveled to Sacred Heart in Esbon, the parish that was at risk of closing. The parishioner who greeted us explained that they had not had adoration there in years and she was not sure if anyone would come. She also told us that the pastor would not be coming until close to 6:00 pm when the visitation was ending. But a half hour into the visitation, Father Ryan came in with his vestments for Benediction. He spoke with Susan briefly and then knelt before the sacred image and began to cry.  Susan wrapped the King’s Mantle over him and he cried harder leaning his head on the floor at Jesus’s feet as the three of us watched in awe.  When he was composed, he enthroned the image next to the large statue of St Joseph in the back of the worship space. As he hurried out to celebrate Mass at two of his other parishes, he asked that we not remove the image until after Benediction before the 6:30 Mass. The parishioner and her husband, who had spent the afternoon with us in adoration as a few other parishioners came in and out, had apologized that there may only be about 15 people at Mass.  Father came running in at 6:15 as the little country church was filling to standing room only capacity to our amazement. Father encouraged the parishioners to come up and venerate the sacred image before it would be leaving. Many of the parishioners including children came up to touch the sacred heart and wounds of the sacred image. We removed the image and let Father know we would see him in the morning at Mass. The priest who had come in earlier that afternoon was very different than the priest we experienced after his veneration.  Father Ryan was definitely on fire again with a zeal that could not go unnoticed.

The final day of the pilgrimage was Sunday, December 22, at 3:00pm. Providentially the Antiphon for December 22 is O King of all nations and keystone of the Church: come and save man, whom you formed from the dust!  We gathered at the geographic center of the United States placing the sacred image at the marker facing Him to the east. Three priests from the Diocese of Salina joined us. As everyone gathered, we prayed the Glorious mysteries of the rosary. The priests then led the 12 people from around the diocese who traveled up to three hours, in the Divine Mercy chaplet; prayers of reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus; the Litany of Jesus, King of all Nations;the Chaplet of Unity and the Consecration to Our Blessed Mother before concluding with an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be and closing blessing. A deacon present who was holding the image steady against the wind commented that when the priests touched the sacred heart of the image it was as if the wind had stopped and the image was not in need of bracing.

All 24 Advent Visitations included either Mass or Adoration or both.  The reverence shown Jesus and our Blessed Mother at every Visitation was awe inspiring. How pleased our heavenly Father, the angels and the saints must have been.

My Co-Guardian and I put 4200 miles on my deceased father’s minivan in the 3 1/2 weeks during Advent. We crossed back and forth-east to west and west to east-over the 27,000 square miles of the Diocese of Salina as if God was stitching up the broken heart of America for its healing.

All for God’s glory and the salvation of souls,
Susan Kirtland

Perhaps Jesus is calling you to host a Visitation!

Visitations of the Image of Jesus King of All Nations are for the mission of bringing the recognition of His reign on Earth. Our apostolate coordinates Visitations of the image to parishes and homes. We train local Guardian Teams for parish visitations. These Teams prepare for the Visitations in cooperation with the local pastors. The mission is supported by donations, free-will offerings and sales of religious goods.

The Visitations consist of Holy Hours of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection from a booklet with the recitation of the prayers of the devotion and veneration of the Image. There is a talk explaining the Image and the messages of Jesus. Religious goods are available for sale to promote the devotion. The Visitations include works of mercy such as visits to hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and schools.

Perhaps Jesus is calling you to host a Parish or Home Visitation for Him.

Parish Visitation

A Parish Visitation consists of visits of the full-size Visitation Image to parishes and other sites and promotion of Our Lord’s Mission have His reign recognized on earth, especially through Holy Hours of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection.

If you request to be a Guardian for a Visitation, you will be asked to commit yourself to a Visitation. The Visitation will then be confirmed. You must then form a Guardian Team to plan and implement the Visitation including the sites; the liturgies, hours of veneration, the publicity and the distribution of the religious goods.

If you would like to host a Parish Visitation, please contact Cathy by email, or phone at 802 524-5350, ext. 14.

Home Visitation

A Home Visitation consists of a visit of the ½ size Visitation Image to a home for promotion of Our Lord’s Mission to have His reign recognized on earth.

The format consists of the following:

1. A viewing of a video, The Story, which explains the Devotion and signs and wonders, healings and conversions.

2. Praying the prayers in front of His Image, if possible, a Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection.

3. Offering for sale the religious goods. We will ship a 21″ x 34″ image and the religious goods to you on consignment. All you need to do is to invite ten to twenty people to your home or group, show the video, lead the prayers and offer the religious goods. Then you return what’s leftover to us. It’s simple and easy. If you would like to host a Home Visitation, please contact Cathy by email, or phone at 802 524-5350, ext. 14.


Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.

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For more information about hosting The Visitation Image of Jesus, King of All Nations, please click HERE.

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