Little known Miracle of Baby Federica and the Miracleous handkerchief from Medjugorje
Source Papaboys 3.0
The story we want to tell you is that of Federica, a little girl who was facing an impossible future due to a serious genetic malformation found when she was still in her mother’s belly.

In fact, during a morphological ultrasound done at the fifth month of pregnancy the two expectant parents were given a terrible sentence their child was suffering from two very serious head malformations: Ventricolomegalia, and Agenesia del Corpo Calloso.

The news left the two parents astonished and soon the joy of waiting turned into the darkest darkness as the child’s life prospects were scarce and the doctors’ advice was to abort to prevent unheard of suffering, in the best hypotheses the birth would have had to undergo a very delicate and extremely difficult surgical operation that even if it succeeded perfectly would have contributed to saving the life of the child but would have condemned her to a brain-damaged existence at best, with significant motor, sensory difficulties and cognitive.

From uncertainty to hope and then light
The couple lived in full conflict with the situation the mother was much more rational and influenced by the constant exhortations on the part of the doctors who invited them to abort, on the other the profound faith of the husband who as a practicing Catholic opposed with all his strength to the hypothesis of abortion. So in the most absolute uncertainty they decide to embark on a spiritual journey together with some priests who helped them to understand what the scope of their mission was, and that life is a gift from God and that nothing and no one can suppress what the Lord has established and created.
The words of Jesus resounded in their minds “those who want to come after me deny themselves take their cross and follow me.” The spiritual councils had a positive effect and the couple decided to abandon themselves to the will of God and of Our Lady who would accompany them by hand in the difficult path. Thus the decision to abort and to face the ordeal that awaited them with faith immersed in prayer became more and more a body in them.
In the troubled path of pregnancy the two spouses were supported among others by an aunt nun who went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje rubbed a white handkerchief with the image of the Madonna on her knee from the bronze sculpture of the Risen Christ which is located behind the church of san Giacomo. And it was advised to the future mother to rest it on her belly offering as a gift the recitation of the Holy Rosary, at night she had a dream she saw a man and a child hand in hand that walked together, which reassured her telling her not to worry that the child would not suffer and everything would be settled.
Mother identified them as St. Joseph and Jesus. Meanwhile routine checks continued and the responses were always tragically confirmed, apparently nothing had moved. In the meantime, the couple was advised to give birth to the hospital of San Giovanni Rotondo, home for the relief of the suffering wanted by Padre Pio in the excellent neurosurgery department. The surprise was great when just before birth the last clinical examinations carried out before the birth indicated that the ventriculomegaly had disappeared. As soon as she was born, the child was subjected to numerous clinical checks which confirmed that the agenesis of the calloused body had not caused damage and the doctors had to admit with great amazement that the child was healthy.
Federica despite all the catastrophic predictions made about her health continues to grow serene and healthy and that all these negative predictions have had no response in her. There was a miracle and for this reason the whole family went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 2007 to personally thank Our Lady for her powerful intercession.