Medjugorje: Drama on Apparition Hill… Mirjana shakes, a demon cries…Then the peace of heaven triumphs… October 2, 2019 Mirjana’sapparition with Message

Message of 2 October 2019
” dear children, the will and love of the heavenly father make me be here in the middle of you, to help with maternal love the growth of faith in your heart, so that you can really understand the purpose of earthly life and greatness Of the heavenly one. My children, earthly life is the way to eternity, towards truth and life: towards my son. For that way I want to lead you You, my children, you who are always thirsty for more love, truth and faith, know that only one is the source from which you can drink: trust in the heavenly father, trust in his love. Indulge completely to his will and do not fear: everything that is the best for you, everything that brings you to eternal life, will be given to you! You will understand that the purpose of life is not always wanting and taking, but loving and giving; you will have true peace and true love, you will be apostles of love. With Your example, you will make those my children who do not know my son and his love want to meet him. My children, apostles of my love, worship my son with me, and I will be above everything. Always try to live in his truth. Thank you!”.