Medjugorje . Jelena Vasilj: ‘The Holy Rosary is a true journey of conversion!…It is in fact in contact with the crown that many begin to “touch” the love of Mary,”
“So many people only after arriving in Medjugorje learned to hold the rosary in their hands, without ever having even known how to use it before. It is in fact in contact with the crown that many begin to “touch” the love of Mary, a love that triggers the mysterious mechanism that is called conversion. “
Jelena Vasilj speaks to her in 1982, the Queen of Peace addressed herself through interior expressions (Locutio cordis) From 1983 to 1987, through her prayer group, Our Lady gave advice to the prayer movement that has been formed since beginning of the apparitions. Continue saying:
“What happens is a real contact, it is the manifestation of a presence that the prayer of the average Rosary. Thus, by learning to hold the crown, Mary is held by the hand, and together with her one begins to walk a path.
It is a journey of joy, of sorrow, of glory and of light, a journey that has as its goal Jesus. Mary thus becomes a companion on this journey that she has traveled, and presents herself as a teacher who continually urges us and guide our pace.

Indeed, we can say that the Rosary is a synthesis of our faith. When he prays, the Christian listens and it is as if he allows Mary to teach him those mysteries of the life of Christ that only you understood.
Every time it is an announcement of the “Mystery”, or of the kerygma, it is as if every time we allow the Gospel to be announced to us.
The Rosary, in essence, is the instrument most loved by Our Lady for our evangelization. While we contemplate it at the same time it generates wonder in us.It is news that is overflowing with a sense of wonder within us.
Then our eyes detach themselves from the “path” and concentrate on what is in her: Mary becomes the object of our attention so that the Rosary does not contemplate it only with Her but in Her.
And so every “Avemaria” is an announcement of the Mystery incarnating in Her, the Mystery of our salvation that you live within; and so Mary becomes the “cause of our joy”.
This apparently difficult attitude is fundamental in prayer: to feel that the Mystery comes to me and relieves me of the daily anguish caused by my littleness or that of others.

It is a Mystery, Mary is a witness, who not only comes to me but wants to be me. I, too, like the Blessed Virgin, are invited to be a mother of the Mystery whom one wishes to incarnate within me.
Thus, through continuous contemplation and interiorization, Mary – as our Mother – generates the Word of God, Jesus in us. It is here that the Rosary wants to arrive.
God wants to join us, becomes flesh in the flesh of Mary so that a union with our humanity may occur. A union that changes our humanity, not in a magical way but through the cross in glory, “of glory in glory” – would say s. Paul – in image or icon of God: “Be perfect as your father is perfect”, the Apostle reminds us.
The first step is of course the recitation of the Rosary. The worst Rosary is, in any case, the unsaid one.
We must have the courage to silence the many voices within us that require our attention. Let us present them to God at the beginning of our prayer and let God enlighten us also on them, which will lead us from concern to perfect peace.
Once peace is attained, the soul will enjoy its Creator and will relax in its presence.The more fruitful our work and our relationships become when we rest in prayer!

While we pray the Rosary it is good to read also the Sacred Scriptures from which it is essentially deduced. It is true that it refers to some parts that constitute the core of the mystery, but this “pit” is only a foretaste of everything, so that not only does the Scripture help to pray the Rosary, but it is the Rosary that reveals the Scriptures.
Finally, we can say that the Rosary is a prayer not only of communion with God but also with others. Alternating each other the voices become like a chorus of different harmonies that, as a single voice – sign of unity – rises to God.
Our Lady in fact wants us to pray especially in the family in the morning or in the evening. We need to ask God for the love of the Rosary and we ask the Queen of the Holy Rosary to let us discover the glories.
Source: Eco di Maria nr. 168