Source” Vjera

From the writings of Alicja Lenczewska , a mystic from Poland who spoke with Jesus, we convey the important words of Jesus for the generation of the end times. These messages bear the imperium of Bishop Henryk Wejman.

You have to help people

“Your mission is to witness me. Do it every chance you get. Look for such opportunities or create them. You have to help people. And it is necessary to hurry in order to succeed before the time given to them expires. Before the time given to this world expires. This time is short.

The purpose of the work of Satan’s servants in the world is to deceive as many souls as possible and throw them into the abyss of the Evil One. Life on earth is a preparation for eternal life, and at the same time a free choice of the quality of this life in union with God or with Satan. I use Love and Truth, because I am the truth of love, and I lead everything towards unity. My enemy uses the hatred and lies that are the essence of his being and leads to chaos. Therefore, it is necessary to wear the full spiritual armor mentioned by St. Paul in (Eph 6:10-18), and reject everything that has even the appearance of evil.

Signs of the times

Areas of life that are particularly attacked are the heart, mind and body. The heart through pride, vanity, stubbornness, fear, rejection of spirituality, vulgarity, selfishness. Mind through stupidity, superficiality, delusion, lies, mistrust, ignorance. The body they recognize as the highest value. The female body – through its commercialization and as a source of entertainment.

The fruits are visible to all people, although sensitivity is systematically reduced, anesthesia deepens and the feeling of helplessness is deepened so that they get used to depravity, evil, cruelty and consider all this as normal or even symptoms of civilizational progress… This totally deceives people and pushes them into the mouth of Satan, and even makes them go there themselves.

You, my faithful children, are called to win with me and Mary with your trust and heroic sacrifice, to participate in the restoration of the face of the earth and in My triumph in human souls.

The Immaculate Heart of my mother will prevail. She is the Mother of the Church who is always holy regardless of the sins and betrayals of many of the Church’s children. I am the holiness of the Church, My apostles, My loyal servants, who in the sacrifice of martyrdom are the foundation and wall and ceiling of My Temple. In her I am alive and true and in her, through my servants, I nurture my children, restore life and lead them to the Father’s home.

The present time asks children for heroic truth, faith, hope and love.

My Church suffers, as I suffered, it is wounded and bleeding, as I was wounded, and as I marked the way to Golgotha ​​with my blood. And it is spit on and defiled, just as My body was spit on and beaten. And he stumbles and falls, just as I am under the burden of the cross, because he also carries the cross of My children throughout the years and ages. And she gets up and goes to the resurrection through Golgotha ​​and the crucifixion of numerous saints. But the gates of hell will not overcome her, because the wisdom and power of God’s Spirit lead her through the heart and mind of My manager on earth and his faithful associates. […]

The path to salvation leads through the purification of the satanic poison of the original sin of the world and every child of this earth. A cleansing will take place that will bring to light God’s Truth but also the lies of the children of darkness, and every man, according to his will, faced with this Truth will have to choose either the Kingdom of My Father or give himself for eternity to the father of lies. And the world will be freed from the spider’s web of the Great Harlot, the Church of the Antichrist and those who served her among My children.

Mary is the one through whom the revival of my Church passes so that it shines with the full splendor of God’s holiness. The present time asks children for heroic truth, faith, hope and love. We must recognize the signs of the times in the light of prayer and the word of God and fulfill the calls of My Mother and the calls of My beloved servant John Paul II, and pray and repent in order to save My lost children.

The rosary is the ark of salvation

Today, as once over Jerusalem, Jesus weeps over the whole world. How he wept over Sodom and Gomorrah, of which today’s world is inferior.

As in the past, God saved people who were faithful to him and did not defile themselves with sin, so now he wants to save those who keep his love. What the ark was for Noah’s family, what was the intervention and rescue of the lot before the destruction of Sodom, today is the rosary.

The Rosary recited with Mary in front of the Merciful Heart of Jesus is like an ark of salvation for your soul and the souls of those you want to save from the flood of evil that has flooded the world.

The rosary will take you beyond what needs to be burned, so that it will no longer destroy human souls created for holiness in God.

The time of the Church’s sacrifice

Christians and the Church must be crucified in order for My sacrifice to be fulfilled and for humanity to be resurrected in the Holy Spirit. I will die again in my people so that the Holy Spirit can restore humanity.

There is a time for the sacrifice of the Church – a time for the sacrifice of Christians. The time of the cross sacrifice of My body, which is the Church. That is why we need the testimony of faith, prayer and humility in order to save humanity and the world from surrender to Satan. The church must die in order to be reborn through the resurrection in the full power of God and shine with the light of the Holy Spirit.

Do not be afraid of the Cross. Stand under it with trust and look with love at the impending dawn of the Resurrection.

The time of grace continues – it is a time for conversion, for self-reflection, for saving many through the sacrifice of My sons and daughters – children of Love. Everyone who stands under the Cross, who accepts the Cross, is together with Mary – the Mother of Grief who will help to persevere in Love and Giving. Through her, I will return to the world in splendor and strength as a Winner and as a king.” – said Jesus to the mystic Alicja Lenczewska, whose messages have the emperor of bishop Henryk Wejman.