Medjugorje May 2, 2019 message to Mirjana “The Heavenly Father has a big smile filled with the love of my Son…It is love that opens the doors of Paradise…”
May 2, 2019
“Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to respond to the great love of my Son, with pure and open hearts, with complete trust. I know the greatness of His love. I carried Him within me, the Host in the heart, the light and the love of the world. My children, also my addressing you is a sign of the love and tenderness of the Heavenly Father—a big smile filled with the love of my Son, a call to eternal life. Out of love, the Blood of my Son was shed for you. That Precious Blood is for your salvation, for eternal life. The Heavenly Father created man for eternal happiness. It is not possible—for you who know the love of my Son and who follow Him—to die. Life triumphed; my Son is alive. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way and the means of spreading the love of my Son—prayer in the most exalted form. My children, also when you strive to live the words of my Son, you are praying. When you love the people whom you meet, you are spreading the love of my Son. It is love that opens the doors of Paradise. My children, from the beginning, I prayed for the Church. Therefore, I am also calling you, apostles of my love, to pray for the Church and her servants—for those whom my Son called. Thank you.”

Praise Jesus! ABBA responded!
I blogged the most painful oppressive knowledge of the Heroic Love of The Father Abba
and the Holiest Heroic angels that administer to His Son our Lord and Savior Yeshua Jesus Christ
I publically blogged an Facebook
Because the lover of souls Asked me to Yes Yeshua Jesus.
I have had vision dreams and became homeless forv2 years.
Please find me on Facebook
It will hopefully help your journey and path to the narrow road that leads to only one way in Jesus.
Mary loves her Children.
Always loves the souls who respond to the czll.
May God bless you always in His forgiving saving repentance.
Carolyn Pagliuca
Holy face of Jesus
Facebook page
The blog is called The Unseen.
Thank you
Thank you so much mother mary I Love you.pray for our family’s.