Medjugorje on Apparition Hill Guided by the moon…Mary’s Embrace in the dark of the night!
There are many memories related to Medjugorje: joy, peace, fatigue, smiles, and tears. There is a thing about pilgrimages that I carry in my soul and always cherish in my heart. …

When every pilgrimage is about to end, there is a bit of sadness. Yes, because in the end we return to the labors of every day; we move from total peace and serenity to the confusion and frenzy of everyday life.
At the bottom of Medjugorje, as in all places of God, one is really well, literally overwhelmed by a peace that does not belong to this land. In the places of faith we rediscover the simplicity of life; sometimes we also discover the beauty of a cry. We live the depth of a sincere smile or the power to forgive those who have hurt us. We succeed in grace in praying for our enemies.
These graces, all these emotions if I am in Medjugorje, I love to hand them to the Madonna on the Hill of Podbrodo. So on my two pilgrimages to Bosnian land, on the last evening, before leaving, I always went to that hill. WHAT PEACE!

You go up that path full of rocks and stones guided by the moon, trying to extinguish torches and mobile phones, letting yourself be guided by the good God. You climb into a total silence that gives peace to the soul. Then you reach the top, you are there. The beautiful Virgin Mary, our mother. In the darkness of the night she is a safe haven. It is the embrace of a mother who protects us and comforts us from the wounds of life. It is the caress that makes us smile with true joy.