Medjugorje: Our Lady Reveals: “Death does not exist…If you comprehend what is stronger than death.” October 31, 2019 Pearl from Mary
Medjugorje Message, June 2, 2019 –
“Dear children, only a pure and an open heart will make it such that you may truly come to know my Son and that all those who do not know His love may come to know it through you. Only love will make you comprehend that it is stronger than death because true love conquered death and made it so that death not exist.
My children, forgiveness is the most exalted form of love. You, as apostles of my love, must pray that you be strong in spirit and that you could comprehend and forgive. You, apostles of my love, by understanding and forgiveness, are giving an example of love and mercy. To be able to comprehend and forgive is a gift for which it is necessary to pray, and to nurture it.
By forgiveness you are showing that you know how to love. Just look, my children, how the Heavenly Father loves you with a great love, with understanding, forgiveness and justice—how He gives me, the Mother of your hearts, to you. And here I am among you to bless you with a motherly blessing, to call you to prayer, to fasting—to tell you to believe, to hope, to forgive, to pray for your shepherds, and above all to love without limits.
My children, follow me. My way is the way of peace and love, the way of my Son. It is the way that leads to the triumph of my heart. Thank you. ”
Medjugorje Message, April 25, 2019
“Dear children! This is a time of grace, a time of mercy for each of you. Little children, do not permit that the wind of hatred and peacelessness rule in you and around you. You, little children, are called to be love and prayer. The devil wants peacelessness and disorder, but you, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life. Therefore, little children, witness and be proud that you have resurrected in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”

Mr. Rick Sir. I’m afraid we may have lost the October page we were, and so I have taken the liberty of gathering all of your comments from that page and putting them right her on this more recent one. I hope I don’t get in trouble for it.
Here be your comments.
To the gentleman who posted the comment about Holy Love Ministries.
I live near this place, and I was recently there during an apparent apparition. I must say that I got a very uneasy feeling about it; something that I have never felt on my trips to Medjugorje. Also the messages there seem to always promote “Holy Love Ministries,” which seems very weird. This is very different from how She spoke at Medjugorje & Garabandal. Also, people who live on the grounds there are very guarded when asked any questions about this place. In Medjugorje I have witnessed dramatic, supernatural events, and the feeling of God’s presence is overwhelming. I have also investigated this place for decades and always received good cooperation. I have not had the same positive experiences at Holy Love Ministries. Also, the Holy Mother has said, years ago, that Medjugorje is the last place on earth she will appear; so I’m not sure what to make of this with respect to Holy Love Ministries.
Here be my response.
Sorry to tell you this Mr. Rick Sir, but your statement about our Holy Mothers was not accurately stated. I’m talking about this one. “The Holy Mother has said, years ago, that Medjugorje is the last place on earth she will appear.” The truth is, the visionaries, Mirjana and Jakov, have always ended that statement with the words “in this way.” So here’s what Our Lady most likely really said that day. “This is the last time I am on this earth in this way.”
Mirjana at the question and answer session at the National Conference on Medjugorje, Notre Dame University, May 30, 2004: If you’re interested to read more about it, just Google the following address.
Question: Has Mary said that these are Her last apparitions on earth?
Answer: Like I said, She said [the Blessed Mother] these are the last apparitions on earth in this way. And I think that She thinks so many years, so many visionaries, but I think that She never meant that She will never again appear on the earth.
“Confusion always reigns when satan desires to distract people from the real message – and we should be careful and act with responsibility so that we do not continue to play into the hands of satan by keeping on stirring the pot of confusion.” And so, here’s another Google page for you to look into.
“The Messages [at Holy Love Ministries] promote special devotion to the Eucharist, the Holy Mother of God, and faithfulness to the Tradition of the Church. God’s Will for you is always Holy Love. And so, all your actions must be based on the two Great Commandments—[to] love God above all things, and [to] love your neighbor as yourself. You cannot be holy unless you live by these commandments.”
The following address provides “A Truthful History Of Holy Love Ministries and the Apparitions.”
Mr. Rich Sir. Here’s my response to you from an October Post. They closed the comments bar on it.
Sorry to tell you this Mr. Rick Sir, but your statement about our Holy Mothers was not accurately stated. I’m talking about this one. “The Holy Mother has said, years ago, that Medjugorje is the last place on earth she will appear.” The truth is, the visionaries, Mirjana and Jakov, have always ended that statement with the words “in this way.” So here’s what Our Lady most likely really said that day. “This is the last time I am on this earth in this way.”
Mirjana at the question and answer session at the National Conference on Medjugorje, Notre Dame University, May 30, 2004: If you’re interested to read more about it, just Google the following address.
Question: Has Mary said that these are Her last apparitions on earth?
Answer: Like I said, She said [the Blessed Mother] these are the last apparitions on earth in this way. And I think that She thinks so many years, so many visionaries, but I think that She never meant that She will never again appear on the earth.
“Confusion always reigns when satan desires to distract people from the real message – and we should be careful and act with responsibility so that we do not continue to play into the hands of satan by keeping on stirring the pot of confusion.” And so, here’s another Google page for you to look into.
Why do my comments keep disappearing from this block? Do the Mystics here not like what I say?
Here I am again, hoping to post a statement that doesn’t get deleted.
Wherever you may be Mr. Rich sir, I am sorry to tell you this but your statement about our Holy Mothers was not accurately stated. I’m talking about this one. “The Holy Mother has said, years ago, that Medjugorje is the last place on earth she will appear.” The truth is, the visionaries, Mirjana and Jakov, have always ended that statement with the words “in this way.” So here’s what Our Lady most likely really said that day. “This is the last time I am on this earth in this way.”
Mirjana at the question and answer session at the National Conference on Medjugorje, Notre Dame University, May 30, 2004: If you’re interested to read more about it, just Google the following address.
Question: Has Mary said that these are Her last apparitions on earth?
Answer: Like I said, She said [the Blessed Mother] these are the last apparitions on earth in this way. And I think that She thinks so many years, so many visionaries, but I think that She never meant that She will never again appear on the earth.
“Confusion always reigns when satan desires to distract people from the real message – and we should be careful and act with responsibility so that we do not continue to play into the hands of satan by keeping on stirring the pot of confusion.” And so, here’s another Google page for you to look into.
“The Messages [at Holy Love Ministries] promote special devotion to the Eucharist, the Holy Mother of God, and faithfulness to the Tradition of the Church. God’s Will for you is always Holy Love. And so, all your actions must be based on the two Great Commandments—[to] love God above all things, and [to] love your neighbor as yourself. You cannot be holy unless you live by these commandments.”
The following address provides “A Truthful History Of Holy Love Ministries and the Apparitions.”