Medjugorje Statue with a Mystery… Owner of Statue Seeks Investigation

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Originally Published on”Leggo”

MACERATA – Mysticism or trick of nature?

A mystery surrounds the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje, which is located in Bistocco di Caldarola and which from last Sunday shows a red stain, similar to blood, on the left side of the veil. The owner of the statue, Francesco Baroni, who together with his wife, runs the “L’Eremo” inn, a few steps from where he installed the statue five years ago. «

I noticed the red stripe on the statue on Sunday for lunch – tells Baroni -. A family of our friends, from Tolentino, was having lunch in our restaurant and, speaking, I started telling about my travel experiences in Medjugorje.

Once we reached the place we realized, together, this red spot that starts from the head of the statue and goes up to the shoulder. I do not know what it is, it had never happened before. ” Curious to know what it is and how that stain ended up on the veil of the Madonna, Francesco Baroni warned the police and the Asur to be able to make the analysis and clarify the mystery.