Medjugorje Today: God will reject you if you are doing this.

This time, which has lasted since June 24, 1981, is characterized by an event that is unique in the history of humanity, the presence of Our Lady among us, in Medjugorje!


Our Lady has come to help bring the world back to God. These are urgent times and that is why she “implores” us to accept her messages today with the heart.

The Holy Virgin’s heart is pierced daily with blasphemies , as is her son Jesus. She says: “Dear children! I am your mother and I ask you to convert. Pray especially for those who bring forth blasphemies .

Here I am happy because there are many who honor me. But don’t forget that elsewhere there are many more people who hurt and offend me . I wish to tell you that the cross should be central these days. Pray especially before the cross from which great graces are coming.

Now in your homes make a special consecration to the cross. Promise that you will neither offend Jesus nor abuse the cross. Thank you for having responded to my call. In a MESSAGE dated MARCH 25, 1999 the Queen of Peace warned of the “sword of hatred” that pierces the heart and sends so many unbelievers even those who go to Church, to hell.