MEDJUGORJE TODAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 – IVAN WITH NEW MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN OF PEACE “I invite you to seriously accept the messages”
“Dear friends in Christ, once again I want to greet you from the heart in this communion of prayer today.
Today like every other day, after the meeting with Our Lady, I wish to share with you the most important of tonight’s meeting Tonight Our Lady came among us very happy and joyful and greeted us with her maternal greeting
“May Jesus be praised my dear children”.
After this, Our Lady stretched out her hands to all of you and prayed for all of you. She prayed in a special way on all of you present who are sick and on all priests. After the Madonna addressed us with the following words:
“Dear children,today I invite you to seriously accept the messages I am giving you. I am close to you and I wish, dear children, that each of you be even closer to my heart.Therefore, little children, pray and seek God’s will in your life.I want each of you to discover the way of holiness and grow on this path.Thank you dear children who still today have responded to my call ”.

After that Our Lady gave us her maternal blessing and blessed all the sacred objects that you brought for blessing. Then I recommended all of you, your intentions, your needs, all your prayers and all that that was sent to me in any form, by email or otherwise, I presented everything to the Mother so that she intercedes for all of us before her Son.
After this Our Lady continued to pray in a special way for peace in the world and in this prayer she left with the greeting:
“Go in peace, my dear children”
She left us in the sign of light and the cross.
This dear friends was the most important of tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. And then we respond to the call of Our Lady and we are as co-creators of a more beautiful and better world ”.