The Number “206” The Surprising and Delightful Story Behind the Name “206 Tours” – A Medjugorje Connection
Editors Note: As ranked by Google Search, 206 Catholic Tours is the dominant provider of Catholic Pilgrimages in the world. We found the origins of the name “206 tours” interesting and so we are passing along Milanka Lachman’s Facebook post celebrating her company’s birthday.
By Milanka Lachman – 206 Tours Founder
October 1, 1985 – the day I started 206 Tours!
What was I thinking? 32 years ago, a single mother, in my twenties, with no money or support, I dared to venture pilgrimages like no one has ever done before! I knew only two things about pilgrimages, one, pilgrimage changed my life, and, two, St. Luke said that Joseph and Mary made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem every Passover. That was enough for this stubborn lady. Done.
When people asked: “What do you do?” I said: “What ever it takes!”
I do what ever it takes to bring people closer to God, and, I do what ever it takes not to disappoint my family, employees and clients.
When people ask me: “Why name company “206” ? “I say “That is why! I want you to ask me, so that I can tell you about my first pilgrimage and my story…at 20 minutes to 6PM in Medjugorje…“. (note: 20 minutes to 6pm or 6:40 pm in Medjugorje is known as the time the apparitions of the Queen of Peace begin.)
Just like any venture, there are plenty of challenges, obstacles, crazy hard work, but, I’ll take it all knowing with certainty Pilgrimage fruits, miracles and life transformations.
Thank you God, for letting me do Your will and for letting us all be Your instruments.
Thank you to all who have responded to the call and for trusting me with physical preparations of your pilgrimage journey.
Thank you to all selfless priests, without them and Mass daily -there is no pilgrimage.
Thank you to my diligent staff, and all amazing suppliers.
All of us together make His most beautiful tapestry. A tapestry which is made by sweat, while weaving together different threads, textures, colors, and images with incredible fine detail. If you stand too close to the art, you may not see it clearly, so I say: “Move further to see clearer! ” So is life.
Sometimes we must move further to see clearer. With Gods help Pilgrimage does just that. We step aside from our every day life in order to reflect on what really matters and to gain a clearer perspective. Otherwise, life can get messy, opaque and as knotty as the back of the tapestry.
May God bless and reward you for all the support and for the efforts you undertake.
The Bible is God’s love letter to us, and Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
The best is yet to come for 206 Tours and pilgrims.

206 Tours – The Leader in Catholic Tours
Since 1985, we have been building a solid reputation and a very loyal customer base. We are committed to doing our part so that each client has an unforgettable grace filled journey.
All of our pilgrimages are accompanied by a Priest, who celebrates Mass daily, daily Rosary, and is available for Confession
We operate regularly scheduled pilgrimages (Tours 1 – 226) year-round, with monthly departures. We also offer many “Special Pilgrimages” – whose itinerary may revolve around a special event (Canonizations, Beatifications etc), or has been arranged by a particular group leader, priest or Church.
Depart from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada, and we will arrange you on the most direct flight, available at the time of your booking, from your hometown.
If you are looking to encounter God, in the very places where He has revealed himself, or, to experience these sites in a unique way, join us. Take in all of the sites and inclusions from our standard pilgrimage, along with lectures and stories, in the accompaniment of some of the Catholic Church’s most revered members.
206 Tours destinations: The Holy Land, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Medjugorje, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Greece, Argentina, Ireland, Germany, Hungary and Mexico.
A Tour Guide will meet you in your arrival city, and stay with you throughout your pilgrimage until you dropped off at the Airport for your return flight home.