Our Lady of Lourdes: Powerful prayer to ask for a grace
Let us turn to Our Lady of Lourdes with this prayer, invoking the power of the Immaculate Virgin and asking for her decisive intercession. (see below)
The Immaculate Virgin appeared in the Massabielle cave near Lourdes to a girl named Bernadette of Soubirous (1844-1879, Lourdes). It was a great sign for every Christian. The beautiful lady dressed in white brought messages of love, hope and conversion in a very difficult time for the Catholic faith.
Our Lady of Lourdes: Why the small town in France?
As has happened many times in the history of humanity, the Mother of Christ and of all men shows herself to the world in a place where no one would have expected to find her, entrusting herself to the innocent hands of a creature she did not even understand (given her tender age and its poor culture) what it meant: ” I am the Immaculate Conception” .
It was 11 February 1858 when, in the Massabielle cave, the Madonna appeared, for 18 times (from 11 February to 16 July) to little Bernadette Soubirous . The cave was an unhealthy and difficult to reach place, called the pig hole. It was full of scraps brought there by the tumultuous stream of the Savy mill canal, a dangerous place, at the foot of an overhang, near the River Gave.
This is to remember that she, Mary, comes as her Son for the least, for the forgotten, to bring us back with her motherly love to the Father.

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, consoler of the afflicted, you know my needs, my sufferings, deigned to turn a favorable gaze on me to my relief and comfort.
By appearing in the grotto of Lourdes , you wanted it to become a privileged place, from where to spread your graces and many unhappy people have already found the remedy for their spiritual and corporal infirmities.
I too am full of confidence to implore your maternal favors; hear my humble prayer, tender Mother and, filled with your benefits, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues, to share one day in your glory in Paradise.
Amen.Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us .
Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
Antonella Sanicanti