Our Lady of Medjugorje said, “Be Not Afraid!”
The visionary Marjana reported that Our Lady told her about “horrors” to come. When I interviewed Marjana about my book, Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets: How to Prepare,, she told me, “it is good that you wrote the book not to scare people. This is important because a mother never scares her children or gives them reason to be afraid. She gives them hope and love.
“Blessed Mary of Medjugorje does not come to cause fear of the future, but for love and peace in the future with her. I will pray that the book gives people hope.”
Father Svetozar Kraljevic made the following remarks upon my presentation to him of my book, at his residence in Medjugorje:
“Dan, we met many years ago and from the beginning in Medjugorje, we have this most amazing phenomenon of people like you coming here and investing their lives for the work of Our Lady. And this phenomenon continues on.

“So, when I see this book, I see really a life — life that is broken into the pieces of these sentences for all of us to receive this wonderful inspirational witness and the moving story of you, another human being, who is willing to give so much for the work of the Lord and for the life of the Church.
“So, I see this book as the blood flowing in the body of the Church, as really the real life of the Church. I see it as the moment of outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will touch each reader. This is what we need now in this aggression of this secular thinking, in this aggression of godless logic.
It is wonderful to have a testimony, to have a book, to have a word spoken by you to us, to our humanity, to our time, to our children, in the name of God. So, Dan, I really thank you for being such a powerful witness of Our Lady.”
On December 25, 1982, the late authoritative theologian, Father Renée Laurentin, reported that Mary told Mirjana that she had shown her many “terrible things.”
It is also reported that Mirjana had an apparition and message on October 25, 1985, regarding the First Secret and that it was reported by Father Laurentin that Mirjana said that Our Lady “showed me, as in a film, the realization of the First Secret. The earth was desolate. ‘It is the upheaval of a region of the world.’ She was precise. I cried.”
In my interview with Mirjana Soldo,the visionary,at her home in Medjugorje on October 23, 2010, I told her that I wrote my book Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets: How To Prepare primarily for the unbelievers, not to scare them, but to give them an incentive to convert and to believe.

I told her that after the First Secret happens, just the way it will be described, three days in advance by Father Petar, the unbelievers and many others will want to know what they should do. I told her that my book tells them what Our Lady requests and how to respond to her requests.
I said, “I think that it will be like Pentecost, when the Jews who were gathered in Jerusalem heard the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit and asked St. Peter, “What should we do?” Peter answered them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 2:37-38).
Mirjana responded,
I want to say one thing that is very important. Blessed Mary said, “What I started at Fatima, I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.”
If the heart of our Mother will triumph, we don’t need to be scared or anything. It’s only important to put our life in her hands and not to think about secrets. We should think about the messages and what she asked for us so that we can help her Immaculate Heart to triumph.
Look at us visionaries. Look at me. I am always joking, smiling, living my life with God and Blessed Mary with hope, because my faith is hope. I hope in God’s love. I hope that he will judge me with love, I don’t think about secrets.
I told her that the Catechism of the Catholic Church defines hope as “the confident expectation of divine blessing.” (CCC 2090). Then I asked her, “Do you have that confidence? That we will receive God’s blessing?”
She replied, “Yes, Yes, because God is my Father and He loves us and He sends His Mother for so many years here to Medjugorje to help us to find Jesus, to find a good way, where we will meet Jesus and have real peace.”
Then I asked her, “So, you hope that my book gives people hope?” She replied, “I will pray.”
Mirjana told me, “The most important thing is to respond to Mary’s requests for conversion, faith, prayer and fasting, and not to be fearful of any secrets.”
I asked Mirjana to comment on Father Petar’s statement, “Everything is closer and closer, God has to do something very quickly.”
She said, “We can comment in many ways, but maybe I’ll be in front of God tomorrow. I won’t have time to wait for secrets; I must change myself today! I always tell the pilgrims, ‘Don’t t talk about secrets, don’t think about secrets, think of yourself, think of today, where are you today with God? Because you don’t know what you will have tomorrow.’’’
How to Prepare for the Secrets The Blessed Virgin Mary comes to Medjugorje bringing us urgent messages from God. The summary of her messages is that peace can come only from God through conversion and faith, maintained by the sacraments (especially Confession and the Eucharist), prayer and fasting, reading Scripture, the use of sacramentals, and making the Total Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
All adults have the capacity to know that God exists. The sin of the world lies in that there is no interest or time for God. Mary comes to tell the world that God exists and that peace is necessary.
Peace was requested by Mary. She said, “I have come here as Queen of Peace to tell the world that peace is necessary for the salvation of the world. In God, one finds true joy from which true peace is derived.” (June 16, 1983).
She also said, “Jesus is the King of Peace, and only He can give you the peace that you seek.” (December 25, 1995).
Mirjana told Father Vlasic that Mary introduced herself as the Queen of Peace because, “the situation of the world is horrible. There are wars in every part of the world. The situation is very tense. Peace is needed— a just and simple peace. First, peace in the soul. If a person has it in his soul, he is surrounded by it. Peace comes as a result of faith in God and surrender to Him as a consequence of prayer, penance, and fasting.”
Peace is the natural desire of every human heart. However, peace is not obtainable by any human peace program or from money, drugs, power or anything else without Jesus Christ who said, “Without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5).
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 15:27). Peace is a gift from God that cannot be earned by our effort, imposed by political effort or gained by any human means whatsoever. As Mary said, only Jesus can give us the peace that we seek.
Father Svetozar Kraljevic wrote in The Apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje, “The world was called to peace, but it went to war [the Yugoslavian Civil War]. Precisely ten years after Mary appeared, the first explosions of war were heard. We wonder what we shall miss again. And what shall take place in the future?”
The future is in the secrets. We should respond now to Mary’s request for peace and not miss it again. We can possess anything in the world, but if we do not have peace, we have nothing. The only true peace is the one that Jesus gives. However, this peace is not obtainable, as Mary said, unless we repent (convert and turn back to God), believe (have faith), reconcile with God and one another (go to Confession), pray (especially the Rosary), and fast.
Conversion was requested by Mary. It is a total interior change of heart which proceeds from our repentance, reconciliation, and the submission of our wills to seek first the Kingdom of God.” (See Matthew 3:2; 6:33). We turn from following our own wills to follow the will of God, from our values to His, and abandon, in trust, everything that takes us away from Him.
Mary requested that, if able, we go to Confession monthly; pray the Rosary daily; and fast on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Faith was requested by Mary. She said, “Faith is a vital element but one cannot compel a person to believe. Faith is the foundation from which everything flows.” (November 31, 1981).
Jesus said, “This is the work of God: have faith in the one He sent.” (John 6:29). “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.” (Hebrews 11:6).
Before His Ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared to His apostles and said, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:15-18).
Faith is the submission of our intellect and will to God’s revelation, in particular to the good news of the new covenant of eternal salvation through the forgiveness of our sins. (See Mark 1:15; Hebrews 9:26; Romans 3:24-26). We believe God’s promises because He is all-good and will not deceive us.
Prayer and Fasting were requested by Mary to maintain conversion and faith which are inextricably linked in the chain of peace. Prayer should calmly and peacefully proceed from an and interior desire for union with God, without preoccupation to distractions.
Mary said, “Pray with great meditation. Do not look at your watch all the time, but allow yourself to be led by the grace of God. Do not concern yourself too much with the things of this world, but entrust all that in prayer to our Heavenly Father. If one is preoccupied, he will not be able to pray well because internal security is lacking.” (June 16, 1983).
Total Consecration was requested by Mary. On October 25, 1988, she asked us to consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart.
When we consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we totally entrust and dedicate ourselves to Jesus through Mary as our mediatrix. This is the consecration that St. John Paul II made to her as the Mediatrix of All Graces and he took as his motto Totus Tuus (Totally Yours).
The Pope referred to St. Louis de Montfort who wrote the book True Devotion to Mary, in which he teaches total consecration to Jesus through Mary as a means of renewing our baptismal promises. By this total consecration, we renounce Satan, his pomps and works, and permanently dedicate ourselves to Jesus through Mary, giving her our bodies and souls, our goods and even the merits of our good works for her disposition according to her will.
Will you be ready when the “horrors will come,” as Mary prophesied? Will the Ten Secrets soon be revealed as a prelude to the Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and The New Era of Peace?
Padre Livio told Mirjana in an interview with her that Mary, Queen of Peace, was coming to build us a new world of peace, the end of which is to bring us to the light of a closer relationship with God. Mirjana responded to him, “Yes, Yes. I’m sure that eventually we will see this light. We shall see the triumph of the Hearts of Our Lady and Jesus.”
Please read my book to learn how to practice the requests of the Queen of Peace and to prepare yourself for the coming Ten Secrets and the New Era of Peace.
We confidently await this New Era of Peace in hope.

Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.
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