Pleading to the Virgin of Loreto to be recited this Monday 25, March 2019…”Humanity is upset by serious evils from which it would like to free itself.”
The plea to the Virgin of Loreto is recited at 12.00 (or when possible during the day) on March 25th, the day of the announcement, and is also recited on December 10th, August 15th and September 8th.
Powerful plea to the Virgin of Loreto to ask the Black Madonna for a grace
O Maria Loretana, glorious Virgin, we come confidently to you, welcome our humble prayer today.

Humanity is upset by serious evils from which it would like to free itself. It needs peace, justice, truth, love and it deludes itself that it can find these divine realities far from your Son.
O Mother! You carried the divine Savior in your most pure bosom and you lived with Him in the holy House that we venerate on this hill in Loreto, obtain for us the grace to seek Him and to imitate his examples that lead to salvation.
With faith and filial love, we take ourselves spiritually to your blessed house. For the presence of your Family it is the Holy House par excellence, to which we want all Christian families to be inspired, from Jesus every child learns obedience and work, from You, Mary, every woman learns humility and spirit of sacrifice, from Joseph, who lived with You and for Jesus, every man learns to believe in God and to live in a family and in society with faithful rectitude.
Many families, oh Mary, are not a sanctuary where we love and serve God, for this we pray You so that You may obtain for us that each one imitates yours, recognizing every day and loving above all your divine Son.
As one day, after years of prayer and work, He came out of this Holy House to make his Word heard that is Light and Life, so again, from the Holy walls that speak to us of faith and charity, let men come to the echo of his almighty Word that illuminates and converts.
We pray to you, Mary, for the Pope, for the universal Church, and for all the peoples of the earth, for ecclesial and civil institutions and for the suffering and the sinners, so that all may become disciples of God. O Mary, on this day of grace united with the spiritually present devotees to venerate the Holy House where you were overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, with living faith We repeat to you the words of the Archangel Gabriel:
Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!

We invoke you again:
Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church, Refuge of sinners, Consoler of the afflicted, Help of Christians.
Among the difficulties and frequent temptations we are in danger of losing ourselves, am looking at you and repeating to you:
Hail, Gate of Heaven, Ave, Star of the Sea!
Our plea, Mary, rise to you. It tells you our desires, our love for Jesus and our hope in you, our Mother.
Return our prayer to the earth with an abundance of heavenly graces. Amen.