Rare new message by the Queen of Peace to the visionary Ivan Dragicevic. ‘This world cannot give you security and peace’ (Only message from Ivan this year he has shared)

Visionary Ivan rarely gives message that he shares with the world. Then from Medjugorje, an extraordinary message was given to Ivan on  January 21, 2021, by the Queen of Peace. This message (as far as we know) is the only message Ivan has shared with the world this year (2021)

Ivan: “Even today Our Lady came to us very joyful and very happy, she greeted us all with her maternal greeting, – “Praised be Jesus, my dear children”.
Later he prayed on all the priests present here and on all the sick.
Subsequently, she addressed us present here in this chapel with these words:
“Dear children,
in the Gospel, my Son many times tells us the words: “Come to me, all you who are oppressed and weary, and I will give you rest, I will give you strength. Also today I invite you, dear children, to come to him, to meet him. Decide for him and go with him towards the future. This way you will be safe and protected, because this world cannot give you security or peace. Only He can give you this. In a special way I invite you, dear children, to persevere in prayer. I pray for all of you and intercede before my Son for all of you.
Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call. “
After that, Our Lady gave us her maternal blessing.
Ivan Dragicevic is one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje, and he is among the three together with Vicka and Marija who still has the daily apparition. 
In addition, Ivan, according to the Will of God, also has extraordinary apparitions in the evening, which attract tens of thousands of pilgrims to pray on the Hill or at the Blue Cross.