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Saint Catherine of Siena and the miracle against the plague that occurred in Varazze …
The story of a of Saint Catherine of Siena.
One of the miracles recognized by the Catholic Church dates back to October 1376 , when, on returning from the papal court of Avignon, she passed to Varazze (a town in the Savona area of Italy), curious to know the places that gave birth to Blessed Jacopo da Varagine.

However, Caterina had an unpleasant surprise: the town was run down and abandoned due to the plague that had decimated the population. Catherine prayed intensely for the inhabitants of Varazze to end their pain and the citizens were freed from the scourge.
In exchange for the miracle, the saint asked the Varazzini citizems to honor their illustrious fellow citizen, dedicating a chapel in her name and to the Holy Trinity.
Saint Catherine of Siena
In memory of that miraculous episode, Varazze erected the saint of Siena as its patron saint dedicating each year, on April 30th, one of the most famous processions in Italy (followed by a historical procession that traces the deeds).
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