A SIGN FROM OUR LADY: When the Cross on Križevac Mountain disappeared, and Our Lady appeared.

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m Medjugorje Council


At about 5pm on the evening of the 22nd October 1981, Fra. Janko Bubalo looked out of the rectory window in Medjugorje, to see two nuns, kneeling in the pouring rain, in the direction of Krizevac, with their arms stretched out. About seventy men and women were kneeling, oblivious to rain and also gazing in the direction of  Krizevac. Some appeared to be crying, some with awe struck expressions on their faces and some were praying.  The cross on Krizevac disappeared and a statue like figure of a lady appeared.

Looking closer through binoculars, Fra Janko could clearly see a lady dressed in a long gown, a blue-ish veil and there was a crown of stars circling her head. Her arms were outstretched and she stood on a cloud.

Fra. Luka Vlasić testified to seeing the cross disappear and a lady appear with her arms extended. He became conscious that it was a reward for him, for the long hours he spent hearing confessions for the previous four months

Another witness to this sight was, Fra. Stanko Vasilj. In his account he said; “I affirm all of this, fully aware of my great responsibility before God and the Church.” Again, with the use of binoculars, Fra. Stanko could see a lady, dressed in a luminous light grey ‘cape’. At a certain time he perceived a ray of sparkling light issuing from Her right cheek.

Then, after a period of time a clear, a transparent cloud rose up from where the Cross should be and divided in two, in the shape of a fan, A dark cloud then rose and fell like a curtain on each side of where the Cross was.  The Cross then suddenly re-appeared and the spectacular phenomenon was over.

During the apparition that evening, the visionaries were sad because dear Fr, Jozo was sentenced to three and a half years in  prison.  Our Lady said to them; “You should rejoice.”

Then they questioned Our Lady if the  phenomenon on Krizevac was supernatural and Our Lady responded,

Yes, I confirm itAll of these signs are designed to strengthen your faith until I leave you the visible and permanent sign.