Sr. Emmanuel Claim: Photo of Famous Medjugorje Statues Changes “Mood” After Incident.

The “interrupters”. A few pilgrims traveled to Tihaljina (30 minutes from Medjugorje) to pray before the famous miraculous statue of the Blessed Mother. For many people, this statue is the emblem of Medjugorje, howeverit was offered to this church before the apparitions took place in Medjugorje.After prayer, a pilgrim asked my Spanish friend, Teresa, to take a picture in front of the statue to immortalize this blessed moment. Once the picture was taken, a man kneeled before the statue and, with his head in his hands, began to pray with fervor. The pilgrim, seeing that the photo was beautiful, asked Teresa to take another one. But Teresa told her to wait so as not to interrupt the man praying. This prayer went on and on, for more than 20 minutes, so the pilgrim became impatient and said out loud: “Well, no point in waiting any longer for the photo, let’s go!”The man, hearing this remark apologized and got up to give her some room. A new picture was taken. But when Teresa saw this second picture, she was in for a surprise! The sweet face of Mary had changed. She expressed a silent reproach, clearly visible in her eyes and her mouth. The pilgrim understood the message: She should never have interrupted the man’s prayer for a photo!