Teacher of the Catholic Church, extraordinary saint, profound mystic, Carmelite St. Teresa of Avila , who after a merciful vision of hell and the place prepared for her there, changes her life to the perfection of holiness and decides for a thorough spiritual renewal of Carmel, which until then lived in mediocrity spiritual life.

On this path of purifying both herself and Carmel, Saint Teresa of Avila was often attacked, however, after her decision to change there were no more difficulties or obstacles that would stop her. She knew and believed that the only decisive weapon is prayer. That is why, in the fight for Christ and the Church, she founded monasteries where her sisters would pray and thus fight for God’s kingdom.

In her consecrated life, Avilska had numerous visions of heaven, the throne of God, and hell, and as in the case of many mystics, she suffered numerous blows and intimidation from demons who tried to hinder her in her work for Christ. After one vision, Saint Teresa wrote down the real truth about them, which today is a treasure of the Catholic Church and a help to all Christ’s soldiers on the battlefield.

Teresa of Avila: One sin brings more damage than all of hell

“If God is as powerful as I know and see, if demons are nothing but slaves, which my faith forbids me to doubt, what can they do to me when I am the servant of the King and the Lord?

Maybe because I don’t feel strong enough to face all hell? I took the cross in my hand and it seemed to me that God had given me courage. Soon I felt so transformed that I was not afraid to fight with everyone and shout at them: “Just come closer. Since I am a servant of God, I would like to see what you can do for me!”

And it seemed as if they were truly afraid of me, because I could remain calm. Since then, I was no longer troubled by restlessness, I was no longer afraid of demons, and if they appeared to me, I was no longer afraid of them, but it seemed to me that they were afraid of me.

They attack those people…

The supreme lord of all things has given me such power over them that today I fear them no more than a fly. They are actually cowards and immediately lose their courage if they see that they are despised.

They do not attack, except for those people whom they think they can easily win for themselves or if the Lord allows it , so that their attacks and persecutions become more useful to his servants.

God wants us to fear only what needs to be feared and to convince ourselves that a single sin can cause more damage than all of hell. And that’s exactly how it is.

An evil spirit flees from love and faith more than we flee from the plague

Do you know when evil spirits make us afraid? When we care about the honors, joys and riches of this world. If, then, we love and follow what we ought to avoid, we hand over to them the weapons with which we might defend ourselves, and invite them to fight against us by means of our immense prejudice.

It is painful to think about it, because it would be enough to embrace the cross and despise everything else out of love for God, because the evil spirit flees from such love and faith more than we do from the plague.
The devil who is a friend of lies and who is a lie himself, can never agree with one who is on the path of truth. But if he sees that the mind is darkened, then he tries to blind it completely. And if he notices that someone is completely blind and finds pleasure in the things of this world that are useless and fleeting like children’s toys, he believes that he is dealing with a child, and treats him accordingly. Then the devil amuses himself by attacking such a person again and again.

If it pleases God that I do not belong to such people, but by his grace I consider peace what is peace, honor what is honor, joy what is joy, and not the opposite, then I can oppose all evil spirits and they will flee in terror.

Why senseless fears?

I do not understand the fears of those who shout: “Devil! Devil!”, while they could call: “God! God!” and thus fill hell with fear. Don’t we know that evil spirits could not even move without God’s consent? So why those senseless fears? Personally, I am more afraid of those who panic fear the devil than the devil himself, because he cannot harm me, while they bring unrest into souls, especially if they are confessors. Because of them, I had to spend so many years in such great difficulties that even today I wonder how I managed to overcome them. Praised be the Lord who gave me your immense help.”