The Lords Prayer to Change…”Do not us abandon us to temptation”
Proposals will be put forward to tweak the Lord’s Prayer, according to the Italian Bishops’ Conference.
Instead of reading “lead us not into temptation”, the new version will say “do not abandon us to temptation”.
The change will only apply to Italian bibles and will now be submitted to the Holy See for approval.
Pope Francis said last year the translation from Latin into Italian was not good because it was implying God was leading humans to sin.
He said France’s Roman Catholic Church was already using the wording “do not let us fall into temptation” and that something similar should be used worldwide.
The Lord’s Prayer, also known as Pater Noster, has been translated into hundreds of languages from the original texts in ancient Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. But the words learned by millions of English and Italian-speaking believers are due to be changed after a 16-year long research carried out by experts “from a theological, pastoral and stylistic viewpoint” found a significant mistake in these translations.
According to the project, the line “lead us not into temptation” should be changed to “abandon us not when in temptation”.
This proposal, which has been submitted for approval to the Vatican, is likely to be welcomed by Pope Francis, who last year noted “a father does not lead into temptation, a father helps you to get up immediately”.
He added: “It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation.”
As pointed out by the pontiff himself, other translations have already been changed, both to correct mistakes and to bring into prayers a more modern language.
Pope Francis said: “The French have modified the prayer to ‘do not let me fall into temptation’, because it is me who falls, not the Lord who tempts me to then see how I fall”.
Upon announcing the study on the translation of the Pater Noster was concluded, a representative from the Episcopal Conference said: “The Bishops intend for the publication of the new edition to be an opportunity to help renew the ecclesiastic community.
“Liturgical reforms are just a starting point.
“The renewal shall include ordained ministers, as well as the believers.