The extraordinary prophecy of John XXIII concerning Pope Francis and Medjugorje! Why the year 2033 matters
Source: Papaboys 3.0 Translated by Google
“Thus the visions of the future of the Good Pope seem to cross with the secrets of the apparitions of the Madonna to the visionaries of Medjugorje. A slap in the face of those who question its authenticity.“
The prophecy of John XXIII
…. “Then the Holy Barefoot will descend from the mountain and shake the kingdom before the tomb of the Barefoot, blessed by the Blessed Virgin. Listen to his word. Mary Most Holy, daughter and mother of God, lady of the future time, summon your children from the countryside to bring down the two Babylonians “

With these words, John XXIII,
the Good Pope, he would have precognized the Pontificate of Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in the prophecies that would go back to the time when he was apostolic nuncio to Turkey, collected in the volume outside “The prophecies of Pope John” (Edizioni Mediterranee, 1976) of the journalist Pier Carpi , passed away in 2000. The visions on the future of the Good Pope extend to the year 2033.
He will come down from the mountain …
we know that the Bergoglio family is of Piedmontese origin, in fact. To write it is Emanuela Barbara in the online newspaper “In Terris”. And taking the name of the Barefoot Saint of Assisi, Francesco certainly shook an ecclesiastical system that had become concrete. This is exactly how the foresight of Pope Roncalli continues, of which the anniversary of the canonization occurs today: The earth will destroy the cement and of earth it will be, O Queen, your new Church. And on earth the wheat, for the hunger of your peoples, flower on its new altar. Here, this Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, tries to re-establish the Church on the authentic and original values of Christianity, of faith in Jesus, the Emmanuel, the Savior. It witnesses to and preaches the privileged love for the humble, undermines a conception of power as a privilege and honor. And so the Church resurrects in the simplicity of Gospel values and rediscovers its unity. The two Babylonians are destroyed, the separation between the Christian Church of the East and of the West will be healed. This is the most beautiful fruit to offer to the Virgin Mary, like a flower that is born from the sowing of Christian love.
And let’s be the Mother, how unique you are.
Finally, the Christian churches will be united into one. After centuries of separation, there will be only one Church. The meeting in Cuba of Pope Francis with the Patriarch of Moscow and all of Russia Kirill is the sign of the coming fulfillment of this time of Grace of unity.

John XXIII anticipated the resignation of Benedict XVI, the “double pontificate” with Francis, as brothers in Jesus Christ, and even that the Pope emeritus will not be buried in the Vatican, but in Germany, and will be remembered as a Doctor of the Church.
We read, in fact: Your kingdom will be short and great, Father, it will be short, but it will take you far away, to the distant land where you were born and where you will be buried.And then: And there will be another Father, before your burial, to pray far away for you, for the wounds of the Mother. And again: Time for peace, then, and on the tall stone will be the name of Alberto. Joseph Ratzinger is German, like Albertus Magnus, also a philosopher and theologian, protector of scientists. Benedict XVI was the proponent of dialogue and the “new alliance” between science and faith. There are many analogies between the late Middle Ages Church Father and the Pontiff of the “great refusal” in the third millennium.Even Albert the Great spent the last years of his life in isolation. And he was ordained bishop in Regensburg, where Benedict XVI delivered the famous lectio magistralis on faith, reason and rationality.
The pontificate of Francis will also be brief, according to the prophecies of the Good Pope.

Two brothers and no one will be a true Father. The Mother will be a widow. And the time of Christ is approaching. Before the last light, the shepherds will have recognized the sign.And many Fathers, will have the Mother, and all brothers. Before the end of time, apostolic collegiality is accomplished, which is Jesus’ mandate to the disciples. Peter was and is primus inter pares, the Pope is bishop among the bishops.
And it will be God’s time on earth.
The time of truth, which is simpler than everyone has said, have written. According to the prophecies of John XXIII, in 2033, the time of universal judgment should be fulfilled. A judgment of mercy, love and forgiveness: It will be a good judgment. Our Father, who art in heaven, your kingdom is coming. Your will is done in heaven and on earth. The Savior’s age is twenty centuries older. Amen.
Thus the visions of the future of the Good Pope seem to cross with the secrets of the apparitions of the Madonna to the visionaries of Medjugorje. A slap in the face of those who question its authenticity.
Please keep me in your prayers.
where did this “Prophecy” originate? where can I find it?
You slap me in the face, and surely you will get a punch in the mouth…you HIPOCRITS. CRIPY. saints an virgens lovers, you idolaters are like a sunk dead walking and lying even when you are deaf, you sons and daughters of the devil, you are most perverse.
Turn to OUR CREATOR and HIS SON JESUS, and perhaps HE will forgive your sins, you walking dead…
In reference to the statement “A slap in the face…” it wasn’t meant to be understood in the literal sense, but in the figurative. The word “slap” in the contents of that sentence literally means to be “embarrassed.” Or it could also mean “to be disappointed.” For example: If I am proven to be wrong about all of this, I would feel as though I were given “a slap in the face.” That is, I would feel embarrassed, or disappointed, or both.
You are certainly right to suggest that nobody has a right to cause bodily harm to anyone. True Christians don’t do violence to people, except in matters of self-defence. Violence only chases people away, as you have already so clearly demonstrated. You are a seeker of the truth. And I hope you find it. And you will. All of us will. If we look to the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the all of a Christian life. I thank you for the wake up call.
I place Al and Vito, in the Precious Blood. May the Precious Blood which pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of Heaven and earth cover you and all of us now and forever. Amen May the Precious Blood pour into your hearts and open you to God’s graces. May He transform you and teach you how to love your neighbour as yourself. Amen.
Tony: If I’m not mistaken it originated from a prophecy of John XXIII. But you probably already figured as much. Now here’s what I don’t like about this Mystic Post: They rarely ever tell us what they’re talking about, or where they got their information from. Your question, which is the same as mine, should’ve been answered by the person that posted this business about the Pope in the first place.
I can hardly comprehend that so many are willing to believe this “mystic” talk and will devote their lives to the empty content of the “prophesy”.
The only “proof” or “validation” seems to be that (someone) said it, we are told that it is true, and thus accept it without question. The church tells us what to believe, and offers nor accepts comments or criticisms.
Glad I quit the church years ago.
It would be nice to see this whole prophecy. Pope Francis is the true Pope. He will be the last Pope in this 5th Church age of 7 Church ages. There many prophecies in detail from the Holy Spirit to the Catholic Church from various saints and mystics over the last three hundred years in the book : After The Warning to 2038. Prophecies of the “Pope flees Rome and is Martyred” about the same time as the 2033 prophecy.
Here you go Joe. Here’s a prophecy for you to think about.
“There is an evil undercurrent at work these days in your nation* in particular, trying to weaken your President** [President Donald J. Trump]- even to impeach him. They will not succeed…”
Holy Love Ministry: 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd, North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Here’s a link to that page.