The war catastrophe and the persecution of the Church are the events of the secrets already foretold in Fatima

Dear Father Livio,

I have been listening to it every day for 6 years now. And believe me, without your words I would be reeling in total darkness.

Now I would like to ask you a thought about secrets, which, correct me if I’m wrong, seems to focus a lot on missiles and atomic weapons. (man-made) And what if it wasn’t like that? What if they were the direct work of the devil’s spirits?

Let me explain better. When I open the Bible, I read the ten plagues of Egypt, which I connect to our future plagues.

1. water changed into blood

2. the frogs

3. mosquitoes

4. the horseflies

5. Livestock mortality

6. ulcers

7. the hail

8. the locusts

9. the darkness

10. announcement of the death of the firstborn

I don’t think this is man-made. What do you think?

The Heavenly Mother came to save us and tells us that the only way is faith and prayer, total abandonment to God and that she will protect us under Her Mantle. Whatever plague comes we could do nothing without Her Loving Protection.

Linda from Treviso

Dear Linda,

I appreciated the precision with which you listed the 10 plagues of Egypt, thanks to which God freed his people from oppressive slavery and brought them to the promised land.

In my opinion, the number 10 of the secrets of Medjugorje has a reference to this great event in the History of Salvation, because the purpose is the same: to free humanity, or at least the part that converts, from the oppression of the empire of darkness.

In the Bible we see that God carries out his plans both through men and through the events of Nature.

I believe that this time too it will be like this, except for the third secret, the sign on Podbrdo Hill, which comes directly from the Lord and is therefore not the work of nature or of men.

We know that the first two secrets concerning Medjugorje are natural events, which will be revealed three days before.

Instead of the secrets from the fourth to the tenth, which could be compared to the seven plagues of the Apocalypse, the Queen of Peace made no revelations, except for the seventh, which was mitigated by the prayers offered for this intention.

However, we know from the visionaries of Medjugorje that they concern the world and the Church. As far as the Church is concerned, we can think of a great persecution (with the consequent apostasy), as already revealed by the third secret of Fatima and, in his time, mentioned by John Paul II in Fulda.

In terms of the world, we can think of catastrophic events caused by war or nature, or both together, seen in a cause-effect relationship.

In this regard, Sister Lucia had a vision on January 3, 1944, just as she was about to write the third secret of Fatima, in a letter to be opened in 1960 by the Patriarch of Lisbon or the Bishop of Leiria.

In the vision, Sister Lucia sees synthetically what could be the scenarios of the secrets from the fourth to the tenth. In the highly dramatic picture are represented the upheaval of the planet, the fate of the souls who sleep the sleep of death, the heroism of the profession of faith, “The destructive war”, the collapse of the world of iniquity, the triumph of the Catholic Truth and finally of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

 «I felt my spirit flooded by a mystery of light that is God and in Him I saw and heard: – the tip of the spear like a flame that extends until it touches the earth’s axis; – and this jolts: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried; – the sea, the rivers and the clouds come out of their banks, overflow, flood and drag with them in a vortex an incalculable number of houses and people: it is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed; – hatred, ambition cause destructive war!; – then in the accelerated beat of my heart and in my spirit I heard a sweet voice resound that said: “In time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, holy, catholic, apostolic. In eternity, Heaven!”. This word “Heaven” filled my soul with peace and happiness, to such an extent that, almost without realizing it, I continued to repeat for a long time: “Heaven! Heaven!”.  As soon as that overwhelming supernatural force passed, I began to write and I did so without difficulty, on January 3, 1944, on my knees, leaning on the bed that served as my table .

In Lucia’s vision there is already everything regarding the secrets of Medjugorje, and it is enough to understand why Our Lady has been present for so long with her daily apparitions and her messages.

Ave Maria

Father Livio