Tomorrow January 25, 2020 Our Lady Brings Her Message From Heaven for the World – Are We Prepared in The Heart. Did we live last year’s message? -Our Lady says: “I am with you but I cannot be without your ‘yes’.
“Dear children! Today, as a mother, I am calling you to conversion. This time is for you, little children, a time of silence and prayer.
Therefore, in the warmth of your heart, may a grain of hope and faith grow and you, little children, will from day to day feel the need to pray more.
Your life will become orderly and responsible.
You will comprehend, little children, that you are passing here on earth and you will feel the need to be closer to God, and with love you will witness the experience of your encounter with God, which you will share with others.
I am with you and am praying for you but I cannot without your ‘yes’. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”
Here is the beautiful testimony of Sandra Künzli:
“ My vocation, like that of every man and woman, has very remote origins. From eternity God had already prepared a plan for me to carry out over time: it was about finding out. “ When God placed his gaze on me and predestined me, the joy he felt for me was perfect; in that joy there was no fear that his plan might not be fulfilled. “(Sant’Agostino)
While my mother was waiting for me, she had attended a spiritual exercise course with dad. If it is true that children “absorb” the atmosphere that is breathed out even before being born, I think I can say that those were my first exercises! I received the sacraments of Christian initiation in my parish, and meanwhile the Lord worked …
At the age of 15, during a summer course away from home, I took a pocket Gospel with me and began to familiarize myself with the Word of God. On Sunday the Word is broken up to us, but there the “bread” was whole and had a new flavor . I remember that I was particularly struck by the phrase ” there are eunuchs who have made themselves such for the kingdom of heaven, who can understand, understand ” (Mt 19:12).
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
The following year (it was 1984), always during the holidays, I participated in a pilgrimage to Medjugorje and a “spark” ignited in my heart. For the first time I saw so many people kneeling for hours. I went home with a great desire for prayer in my heart. Other times I went to that place of faith and I always found a new impulse to do something more … for God: He had died on the Cross for me ! I was thinking: ” Maybe I’ll become a nun “, but it was still a vague thought, until one day a person provoked me with this question: ” Have you ever thought about consecrating yourself? “I said yes! At that moment the spring sprang which, walking, walking, would take me to the convent.
A piece of road was done, but now … where to go?
I didn’t know religious. I was advised by a priest to have some experience: in active and contemplative life. I chose the second because I felt more inclined to this lifestyle: it was what I was looking for! I had always felt the desire to do something for others and I understood that, with a life dedicated to prayer, I could be close to all the tragedies in the world.
“ Leave – writes M. Delbrêl – to discover God without a road map, knowing that he is on the way and not at the end. Do not try to find it with original recipes, but let yourself be found by him, in the poverty of a banal life “.

At 20 I crossed the threshold of the Augustinian monastery in Locarno (Italian Switzerland) to discover God in silence and prayer, together with the sisters of my community. This is my story , but I know that the “puzzle” is not yet complete, there is still a long way to go. Each has its gift from God, that is, its specific vocation, but most importantly, it is “ the answer we give, the total dedication with which we embrace this vocation, with which we are faithful to it. What holiness does is not a vocation, but the tenacity with which we lived it. “(MD).
In our “global village”, where committing oneself forever arouses a certain apprehension, Christians must make visible in their existence God’s faithfulness to his plan of love. Today, 15 years after the happy day of my entry among the Augustinian nuns of Locarno, I thank the Lord and Our Lady for the great gift of vocation and I ask Mary that other young people may have the courage to give their whole lives for the service. of the Kingdom and the glory of God .
Sr. Sandra Künzli