Vicka of Medjugorje held five interviews live on Radio Maria, which are an important historical document on the apparitions of Medjugorje and a testimony of profound Marian spirituality. We publish them by dividing them into episodes.
(Fourth interview – Medjugorje 17 August 2005 )
“It is beautiful to obey what Our Lady desires”
PL: One thing that scandalizes apparition experts, who however have no sense of the supernatural, is that the Madonna has been appearing for 24, almost 25 years… You personally have seen her every day except for those few days in which the Madonna told you he asked for a short break as a sacrifice. So we can say that in 25 years you have seen it thousands and thousands of times… well… I don’t know how to say… how you see it today and how you saw it 25 years ago… what’s the difference?
V: Look, there’s no difference! The Madonna is as I saw her on the first day and she is the same even after 25 years!
PL: She hasn’t aged at all?
V: Not at all! Always the same!
PL: She’s still very young.
V: Yes, always very young!
PL: …eternal youth!
V: It’s just something that can’t be described.
PL: And what about you? What is your attitude from the early years to now?
V: You know, I feel like the years are being counted, you know…but in spirit they don’t seem so many to me. I feel everything is different because I have never looked at how many years Our Lady has been coming, how long she has been showing up. I’ve never looked at these things. I only see that I have to be a real witness. I must be her true instrument, as she wants. This is why I always say to Our Lady: “this is the only thing I can do and I leave everything else to you. Everything you want is available. There is nothing I can’t do for you.” I listen to the Madonna and do. The only time Our Lady did not show up was only when She wanted a short break of around 40-50 days, as a small sacrifice.
PL: Vicka your understanding of this grace, because being chosen by the Madonna as a witness, let’s say as Her servant…
V: Of course!
PL: …it’s a great grace. Have you grown in these years in your understanding of this great grace that you have had?
V: Of course I can’t ask for anything more. Every time Our Lady gives a word, she gives a message, I have to live it before and after, when I make it mine in my heart, I can pass it on to others.
PL: Of course because if one doesn’t live it it’s not credible.
V: If you don’t “feel” it, it doesn’t have the same value. As Our Lady has already said several times. “You have to put your heart into it and then you have to be ready to give to others.”
PL: I have been coming here to Medjugorje for more than 20 years and one of the incredible reasons, the cases of apparitions are many, so they can say about Medjugorje, even just rationally, it is a mystery, a true thing, there are many reasons for disbelief , no? Also the fact that the visionaries persevered in the faith for many years and were witnesses for many years, without ever contradicting each other… But one of the things that struck me is seeing how this little seed that Our Lady sowed 25 years ago today it has become a great tree, covering the world. That is, Međugorje has grown, it has become a universal parish. One thing that is very striking…
V: That’s for sure! Our Lady has already said: “I have come here to help you”. Precisely to lend a hand to us and She too, as a Mother, says: “I love you with the same love”. She wants no person to get lost. She wants to save each of us. She also says: “I love you with the same love, I love everyone”. She never said that she loves me more than you for example, not that! It is equal love for everyone. This too is a great grace because we must imagine 25 years of great graces! Every day Our Lady comes down to earth from Heaven to pray with us and be with us and say how much she loves us, to convert us and save us. You know, we are still perhaps too far from understanding this grace of hers.
PL: Naturally I don’t want to cause controversy, because the most beautiful things are those relating to the Madonna, but someone on television in Italy has raised two objections and it seems right to me that a visionary also expresses her opinion. I have already responded to these objections in your time. First objection: they say that the apparitions of the Madonna are not true because they are programmed…
V: I can say what I feel. There is nothing obligatory that you have to believe in. I also respond this way to the person who wrote this. There are no problems. I want to tell one truth: everything that is programmed has been programmed by Our Lady because She wants it! Each of us must listen and follow what she wants.
PL: So it’s all an initiative of Our Lady…
V: Of course it is an initiative of the Madonna! Afterwards each of us can think what we want, we are all free, there is no obligation.
PL: On the other hand, there are also six of you, some guys might say “they’re fed up with the program”…
V: P. Livio I answer for my part, I speak for myself, for my testimony, I do it from the heart and I am sure that the other visionaries would do it too…
PL: However, you could also say, and I myself was able to verify it, that when Our Lady asked you to follow the sacrifice of abstinence from the apparitions for 40 days you obeyed with joy but inside you you felt a renunciation…
V: Of course, a renunciation. Because when Our Lady wants something, there is nothing that cannot be done for Her. But I have always been happy. For me it was a great joy to make a sacrifice like this, it was also beautiful. It’s nice to obey what you want.