Interview with FATHER LIVIO FANZAGA of Radio Maria with the Daily Compass
“Satan reigns, Our Lady calls us to conversion”
“Satan’s plan has already been implemented; the false religion of man who has replaced God rules the world”.
“Our Lady has a plan to save humanity; this is the time of the spiritual battle that prepares the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.
“Terrible things will happen, everyone will have to decide whether to entrust themselves to God or not, eternal salvation is at stake”. “The “Worldwide Disease” comes from the devil, it is a test: the solution is to renounce Satan and return to God”.
“The cult of Mother Earth is one form of false religion; it’s terrible and ridiculous”.
Father Livio Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria, explains to the Daily Compass the present times according to Our Lady’s messages in Medjugorje, the historical turning point announced, and the prophecies: “We have entered the time of the ten secrets”.
Father Livio Fanzaga
The world is now under the rule of Satan, so this is the time of the great spiritual battle that prepares the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This is the judgement on the present time that is increasingly affirmed on the airwaves by a famous voice, that of Father Livio Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria, a network that has generated one hundred radio stations all over the world to bring Our Lady’s message of love to everyone.
In particular, Father Livio has become the “messenger” of Medjugorje, the town in Herzegovina where Our Lady has been appearing for 39 years.
Last year, the Holy See at least recognized “the abundant fruits of grace that have sprung from the considerable flow of people who come to Medjugorje” without officially pronouncing itself on the authenticity of the apparitions.
Last February, however, sources in the press made public the report of the Vatican Commission according to which, at least the first week, in June 1981, the apparitions really did take place.
Just two days ago, 25 June, celebrations were held for the anniversary of the apparitions and the entry into the 40th year: a symbolic number which, together with the evident global crisis we are experiencing, has turned the attention even more to the messages of Medjugorje and to an interpretation of the present events in the light of God’s plan.
We therefore telephone Father Livio, who is undoubtedly an authoritative interpreter of these messages.
Father Livio, what is happening and what should we expect?
Firstly we must look at what has already happened. Those who have followed the apparitions from the beginning have seen in these 39 years the implementation of the two plans, the two projects explained by Our Lady: Satan’s plan and Mary’s plan.
These plans lead to the spiritual battle of the time of secrets and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
So let’s start with Satan’s plan.
It has been set out by Our Lady from the beginning: the construction of the world without God, the replacement of Christianity in the West with false religion, a humanitarian religion, a true Antichristic imposture, of which the Catechism of the Catholic Church also speaks. It is a world, as Our Lady said, with no happiness, no future, and no eternal salvation.
For some time now you have been stating ever more forcefully that this plan has been realized.
It is Our Lady who says this and in any case we can see it with our own eyes. Humanity has put itself in God’s place; the worldly powers are all under this false religion. Satan has everything in his hands, the financial world first of all, as well as politics and the mass media.
This year on 25 March Our Lady pronounced a sentence she had never said before: “Be more united with God, Satan reigns and wants to destroy your lives and the planet on which you walk”.
In the past she had warned that Satan is strong and never sleeps, she had given three terrible messages about modernism, a way in which Satan diverts us and puts us within his reach, but now she says: “Satan reigns”.
It is a very heavy, very strong statement; it means that Satan has already achieved his goal: greed, pride, and hatred reign in hearts. The kingdom of Satan is the triumph of lies and violence. She described what we are gradually becoming aware of.
Let’s think about what’s happened in the last few months.
This unexpected thing was already prophesied, we were not ready, we were not strong. This “World Malady” comes from the devil, God allowed it in order to teach us something, but the author is the devil because it originated from where new wars are being prepared; by negligence, error or whatever else we don’t know, but it is so.
Our Lady had told us that if we returned to Her Son, resumed prayer, fasting, keeping the commandments, our prayers would be heard and our petitions answered.
Strong words: “Renounce the devil and follow My Son”. This is true conversion: one abandons sin, one abandons idolatry, one repairs apostasy, one returns to the true faith.
This is the path of the prodigal son, this is absolutely necessary. As Our Lady said to the children, there is a battle between Jesus and the devil.
Souls are saved through conversion, our conversion above all. This “Malady” is the instrument through which they want to create the New World Order, to impose the ideology of the man-God, to impose the Antichristic creed on everyone, right from the start, in the nurseries.
It is clear that the epidemic leads to all this. The only way out is by returning to God.