Wow! Easter Sunday: Large rosary balloon released with a prayer above Medjugorje to end the Pandemic – “This is all for Our Lady and Our Lady’s intentions and for the glory of Our Lady and the Lord.”
MEDJUGORJE, 13 April 2020 – On Easter morning, Sunday, April 12, at Podbrdo in Medjugorje, a group of believers who have gathered every day for the past five years at the statue of Our Lady and prayed the rosary together, gathered once again.
But this time, in celebration of the most important Christian holiday and with a prayer to end the coronavirus epidemic, they made a huge rosary ballon, which they symbolically released into the air from the apparition site.
The small group started to make the rosary of pink and blue balloons at 9 a.m., and an hour later, adhering to the precautionary measures in place due to the epidemic, they managed to merge the balloons into a large rosary and released it into the air at 10 a.m.
“We met on Easter today, at the statue of Our Lady at Podbrdo, joined the rosary and tied a miracle medal to it, and at about 10 o’clock we first prayed the rosary and then with a prayer let our big rosary balloon into the air. As the Rosary ascended, we prayed for the cessation of this terrible epidemic faced by us here in Medjugorje, but also by people around the world,” Kristijan Lopac, one of the believers who prays the rosary in Podbrdo every day, explained.
Kristijan moved to Medjugorje a month ago, and four years ago he decided to return from his native Berlin to Croatia and start a new life in his homeland. Kristijan had the initial idea of making a large rosary ballon in Medjugorje this Easter and was assisted by several members of the Our Lady of Medjugorje Prayer Group.
The group also brought a large canvas banner yesterday with the words “He is risen!” and “The Greatest Love Story” written on it.
“As soon as we heard Kristijan’s proposal, we joined this symbolic initiative. This is all for Our Lady and Our Lady’s intentions and for the glory of Our Lady and the Lord,” says Dario Sego from Medjugorje, who was joined also by Patrik Jerkovic and Marin Planinic, all members of the Our Lady of Medjugorje Prayer Group in creating the balloon, and Niksa Batinovic who created the banner.
The slogan they highlighted on the banner was created by Ines Boskovic from Mostar, a returner from Australia. “When I heard about the idea, I immediately liked it, and in these days of isolation, we wanted to send a message from our Medjugorje to the world. Jesus had so much love for us and he gave his life for us and this is truly the ‘greatest love story’, as we pointed out on the banner,” explained Ines.

(Photo credit: Maria Vision TV, Agape Sports)