Our Lady of Guadalupe: Jesus on Cross Discovered on Tilma – Nobody Knew It Was There.


Lester Letota sent us this short video…We are not sure this is a well know fact but we found this to be absolutely amazing and we are joyful to know that Our Savior is with us when we venerate the great image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mystic Post Exclusive)

My name is Lester Letoto. I am a retired police officer and used to go on pilgrimage every year to The Basilica in Mexico City until the company, Guadalupe Travel deemed that it was too dangerous to continue going. I was praying one year and saw this image. I read Anner Catherine Emmerichs visions and she said that Mary was on the side of the cross, near Jesus. That is the image. I hope this works where you can see it.

I (Steve Ryan Mystic post) ask Lester Letoto if he had heard about the image of Jesus on the Tilma before. Here is what he told me.
No, I have never heard of it before. I researched it online. Spoke to other knowledgable people about it and no one has ever heard anything about it. People have been looking at it for so long, but never seen it at our church until I showed them this. Isn’t it amazing. I went on pilgrimage there every year and only saw it at our church in Marysville, Wa. It is only seen on the digital copy of the original image. Not a painted likeness but digital copy only.

I didn’t make this up. (I am a retired police officer. Can’t lie…:) The last time I went to the Basilica in Mexico City, there is a side chapel that has this same digital image and it was exactly the same there.

Its been years and I thought that I had to get this out there before I kick the bucket. (2 heart surgeries) You can spread it around.

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Ruega pro nosotros.