Medjugorje Today: The two messages of Our Lady expected for December 25, 2020, Christmas day. The prayer for waiting.

Dear children, Today on this day of grace in a particular way I invite you to open your hearts and pray to Jesus to strengthen your faith.
Children, through prayer with the heart, faith and actions you will understand what it means to live a true Christian life. Often, dear children, your life and your hearts are overwhelmed by darkness, pain and crosses.
Do not hesitate in faith to ask yourselves why, why you think you are alone and abandoned, but open your hearts, pray and believe firmly, so that your heart will feel the closeness of God and that God never abandons you and is always next to you. .
Through prayer and faith, God will respond to your every why, to your every pain, darkness and Cross and will transform everything into Light. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Medjugorje, the town of the Queen of Peace, is in spiritual ferment for the day of Holy Christmas.
There will be two messages that will be disseminated on the day of Holy Christmas, in addition to the monthly message of the 25th of the month in Marija, the Madonna will also appear to Jakov Colo. And the wait becomes more and more intense.

The prayer to be recited while waiting
O my Mother, Mother of goodness, love and mercy, I love you infinitely and I offer you myself. By your goodness, your love and your grace, save me.
I wish to be yours. I love You infinitely, and I want You to keep me. From the bottom of my heart I beg You, Mother of goodness, give me Your goodness. Arrange for me to acquire Paradise through it. I beg You for Your infinite love, to give me graces, so that I can love every man, as You loved Jesus Christ.
I pray that You give me the grace to be merciful to You. I offer myself totally to you and I want you to follow my every step. Because You are full of grace. And I wish I never forget it. And if by chance I lose my grace, please return it to me.