This is why The first secret could be near

The first secret could be near

Dear Father Livio, I would like to share a reflection with you:

Considering the political situation of the world. We are one step away from the third world war. It is known that the world wants war. Every day could be the day to start it again.

There is a religious crisis in the world that is now at its limits.

In your opinion, are the secrets still far away?


Dear Luca,

the secrets from the fourth to the tenth (the seven plagues) in my opinion are still far away.

A possible world war could begin only after the sign on the hill.

Instead, the first secret could be near, which will be a shock for Medjugorje, especially for those who, for various reasons, snub the apparitions of the Madonna.

However, before this, two of the three current visionaries will have to have the tenth secret and the daily apparitions will cease for them.

Our Lady could fulfill this task very quickly, even the day before the revelation of the first secret.

After the third secret there may be a period of reflection

Instead, in my opinion, the seven plagues will have a rapid succession and will upset the world, but the followers of Our Lady will remain firm in faith and will witness to hope.

These are today’s thoughts, but tomorrow new events could change the perspectives. The future is God’s and it is a future of liberation and peace

Ave Maria

Father Livio