He accepted and I started to pray

As I was visiting patients to give them Holy Communion I saw him near his friend. The ward itself showed me that his dear friend had not much time to live. Therefore, and in the most Franciscan way possible, I felt the inner voice telling me: Mario, go and offer them my mercy.

I diligently entered the room. At first I felt a bit nervous. I did not know exactly what I was going to say. However, the inner voice went off: Suggest him to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. So I did. I told him: I really appreciate with how much dedication you cared for your friend. I feel really amazed at this. As a sign of my great appreciation I feel honored if I pray the Divine Mercy prayer for your friend. His reply was: Go on please.

Immediately I switched on my JBL on the trolley and found on You Tube Divine Mercy Chaplet and started praying it with the clip. At the end of the clip I gave his friend absolution. I could sense that both of their lives have not been easy. There were many issues going on. However, deep down in my heart I felt something so beautiful and profound that I could hardly express. This young guy, our brother, Jesus has put him in the queue of salvation, thanks to the Divine Mercy.

Jesus himself said so in the Diary of St Faustina: When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as a just Judge but as a merciful Savior (Diary of Saint Faustina, 1541).

Also, this same experience reminded me of that experience which St Faustina recounts in her Diary when a suffering young man died peacefully. This evening, a certain young man was dying; he was suffering terribly.  For his intention, I began to say the chaplet which the Lord had taught me.  I said it all, but the agony continued. I wanted to start the Litany of the Saints, but suddenly I heard the words, Say the chaplet.  I understood that the soul needed the special help of prayers and great mercy.  And so I locked myself in my room and fell prostrate before God and begged for mercy upon that soul.  Then I felt the great majesty of God and His great justice.  I trembled with fear, but did not stop begging the Lord’s mercy for that soul.  Then I took the cross off my breast, the crucifix I had received when making my vows, and I put it on the chest of the dying man and said to the Lord, “Jesus, look on this soul with the same love with which You looked on my holocaust on the day of my perpetual vows, and by the power of the promise which You made to me in respect to the dying and those who would invoke Your mercy on them, [grant this man the grace of a happy death].”  His suffering then ceased, and he died peacefully.  Oh, how much we should pray for the dying!  Let us take advantage of mercy while there is still time for mercy (Diary, 1035).

After the prayer I gave him the Divine Mercy chaplet card. I told him how to pray it on You Tube. I also encouraged him to pray, in his native language, the prayer: JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. Only God knows the fruits of such an encounter. However, I feel really at peace because know the Holy Spirit has sown a seed that will give much fruit.

The whole story is simply incredible. His friend just cast out the net of his will by saying YES to the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Without knowing he caught so much graces for his friend he loved so much simply because he permitted the salvation of his friend. Unknowingly he made eternal life available to his friend!

As Jesus rightly said: Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).


Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap

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