A Solemn Act of consecration to God, Our Dearest Father

In these days I felt in my heart to consecrate myself to Our Heavenly Father. As you know, Jesus came to show us the Father. Jesus is the way that leads to the Father. No one can ever go to the Father except through Him.

Consecrating ourselves to God the Father is of the absolute importance. When we consecrated ourselves to God the Father we are fully surrendering ourselves to Him, who created us and, in Jesus, saved us, and in the Holy Spirit, is sanctifying us, as well as to His loving plans. Since Jesus wants us to be like His and Our Father in Heaven, consecrating ourselves to God the Father is a must and not simply a choice.  

Here is the act of solemn consecration to God, Our Dearest Father, the Father of fathers, the Father of all and of each and everyone of us:


My Dearest Father, please accept this offering of myself-my body, mind, and soul:

I praise You for Your Creation–all Your works and wonders. 

I thank You for giving me life and for all that You have done for me.

I offer up to You all that You have so generously given me. 

I am sincerely sorry for not knowing, loving, serving, and honoring You as I should. 

I embrace my inheritance as Your child, both the joy and the responsibilities. 

I give you my “Yes” so that I may be an instrument of Your Will. 

I pledge my fidelity and I ask for the grace of steadfastness and perseverance in my Faith.

Most loving, caring, and merciful of Fathers, in Your Divine Presence, I sincerely proclaim my love for You; I give myself (and my family/community) to You; and I solemnly consecrate myself (and my family/community) to You–now and forever.


Dearest Father, as Your child, I ask–

That You send Mary to guide me to Jesus, and that Jesus sends me the Holy Spirit so that they may all bring me to You. 

That You dwell with me and in me–a living temple prepared by Mary, dedicated by Jesus, and purified by Your Holy Spirit. And may I always be with You and in You. 

That You permit me, as Your child, to be Your true and intimate friend–one who loves You above all things. 

And that You come for me when I die, to bring me home to You.

I further ask You, Father: for the sake of all mankind:

To have mercy on all Your children–past, present, and future. 

To bring peace to the world and to gather all Your children to Yourself.

And that Your Kingdom comes and Your Will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


Let us start our day by consecrating ourselves to Him, Our Dearest Father in Heaven.


Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap


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