How the 3rd World War will happen according to the nun who had already prophesied the 2nd World War.
The prophecies of Padre Pio, Marie Julie Jahenny, Marthe Robin, Alois Irlmaier, etc., announce the same scenario for the years to come.
And today we would like to bring you Mother Yvonne-Aimée de Malestroit, born in 1901 and died in 1951, who will accompany you in your predictions.
An impressive mystic, with gifts of bilocation and prophecy, who predicted the 2nd and then the 3rd World War.
Here we will tell you how his short life was full of miracles and what prophecies he made about a Third World War.

The vast majority of the prophecies of the psychics about the future predict conflicts in the Middle East, a global stock market crash, famines, civil wars in France and Europe, and World War III.
It will happen when there is an invasion of Europe by the Russian army and Islamic forces.
And then a Great Christian Monarch would appear –nicknamed Henry V of the Cross–, whose army would defeat the invaders together with that of another Great Spanish Monarch.
This King will establish a monarchy by divine right in France and then in Europe.
And under his reign, men who have survived revolutions, war, and the tribulations of nature, will live in an era of peace.
Mother Yvonne-Aimée de Malestroit is one of those seers.
Yvonne spent her childhood in the Loire region and one day her grandmother read her the “Story of a Soul” by Therese of the Child Jesus, which left such an impression on her that she wanted to “become a saint.”
At the age of nine, she decided to dedicate her life to Christ, in a letter she wrote to him with her blood.
And at the age of twenty-one, during an illness, she met the Augustinian Sisters of Mercy in Malestroit.
And on July 5, 1922, in her room at Malestroit, she had a mystical experience in which Jesus showed her the Cross and said to her: “Do you want to carry it?”
That’s where the graces and extraordinary phenomena begin.
The Bishop of Vannes refused for a time to let her join the Augustinians of Malestroit, fearing that she would have too much influence in the community.
But at the age of 26 she finally received permission and entered the monastery, under the name of Sister Yvonne-Aimée de Jésus.
She was a practical woman as well as a mystic, a great organizer; at the age of 27 she launched the project of a modern clinic, which opened its doors in 1929.
In 1932 she became a novice mistress and in 1935 she was elected superior of the Malestroit monastery.
One of the famous stories that witnesses have told about her was that on September 16, 1941, around 4 in the afternoon, she had visions of a desecration of hosts.
And he said to his angel: “Go and get me that host.”
And immediately they saw a great line of light passing overhead, the ray fell on a fir tree and they found on a small branch a host that was bleeding in the center.
Father Paul Labutte took the host and went to place it at the feet of a statue of the Blessed Virgin, but upon entering the enclosure two torches lit up, as if by a miracle.
And the Lord said to Yvonne-Aimée: “The night of your spirit will be the sun of your soul.”
Witnesses also saw Yvonne-Aimée’s heart bleeding and leaving a mark on her clothing.
And they saw his pierced and bleeding hands.
In 1922 he had a vision of a great darkness covering the earth and spirals of smoke that seemed to rise into the sky.
And it was said to him: “These are trials to come. They will be absolutely incredible, but rejoice because know that the Lord will come to help you.”
Then he sees soldiers arriving. They get on and off the trucks.
And what is striking is that his uniform is green.
They are not French soldiers and the Germans had not yet adopted the green uniform.
He also sees planes dropping large cylinders over cities, causing huge fires.
And he sees the number 39.
Then, when World War II begins, everything makes sense.
She also saw that a tall general was decorating her.
And this also became a reality when General De Gaulle awarded her the Legion of Honour in July 1945.
He received five distinctions for his feats of resistance.
This nun was a true heroine who helped the resistance and was tortured by the Germans.
With the complicity of the other sisters and thanks to many tricks, she managed to care for and hide hundreds of soldiers, Jews, resistance fighters, and even the famous General Audibert, leader of the secret Resistance Army.
Sometimes she disguised the paratroopers as nuns to hide them from the Gestapo.
On February 15, 1943, she was in Paris and told Father Paul Labutte that she had the impression that she was being followed.
The next day she was arrested by the Gestapo and imprisoned in Cherche-Midi prison.
But Father Paul Labutte met her on the subway, dressed in civilian clothes and wearing glasses, and told him that she had been arrested by the Gestapo and was being tortured, and asked him for prayer.
Father Labutte immediately understood that he was in a state of “bilocation.”
From that moment on he prayed as much as he could, and exhausted he retired to his room in the Augustinian convent.
And at around 9:10 p.m. she heard a loud thud in Mother Yvonne-Aimée’s room, as if someone had just jumped from a height and landed with their feet together on the ground.
He walks into the room and there she is, dressed in civilian clothes. Panicked, he doesn’t know where she is.
He asks her what happened and how she could have gotten in with the doors closed.
And she replied: “It was my angel who freed me and brought me back here. He caught me in the prison yard just as we were being grouped together to go to Germany. He took advantage of the disorder that had occurred.”
And later, when Saint Vincent Ferrer’s sister enters the room, she finds her lying in a kind of ecstatic sleep.
And the ground is covered with fresh flowers, it would have taken at least two gardeners to bring in so many flowers.
And after the war ended, Father Chotard asked Mother Yvonne Aimée: Do you believe, Mother, that France will triumph over Communism?
Most certainly, he replied, but first he would have to go through a very hard test, the Great Tribulation, the revolution in France, then the Third World War and the Russian invasion with its Islamist allies.
France will be occupied again and will suffer greatly.
The sister then explained to her that the Russian occupation would be worse than the German one in terms of atrocities, although it would last less than a year.
People who think that the Russians will come to liberate us from deeply Satanic and anti-Christian Western leaders are wrong.
It will be a carnage.
He also predicted the social reign of Christ with a Great Monarch, who will arrive at the head of a small invincible Christian army.
This has also been announced by other mystics, such as Maria-Julia Jahenny.
He also saw men dressed in strange costumes, with large medals manipulated by demons.
And Monsignor René Laurentin believes that they were Freemasons.
In 1951, Mother Yvonne-Aimée de Jesus died of a devastating cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 49.
Six years later, his coffin was opened and his body was found surrounded by five centimeters of water, but intact.
Well, this is what we wanted to tell about Mother Yvonne-Aimée’s prophecies about World War III, whose credibility is based on the enormous graces granted by Heaven that we have recounted.