Sr. Emmauel – Is avoiding Purgatory Posible – Here’s how…
Avoiding Purgatory…possible? Blessed are those who had the opportunity to hear Vicka, the visionary, speak about her “journey” when, together with Jakov, they were carried away by the Blessed Mother and saw Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. (See PS1). But blessed too are those who simply believe what the Church teaches about life after death (See PS2).
This November, when we pray for the deceased, I would like to highlight a point about Purgatory. In our day, even among some consecrated people, the existence of Purgatory is being questioned, as if this reality should suddenly cease to exist because it makes certain minds uncomfortable. Yet, many mystics visited Purgatory, including St. Faustina, St. Maryam of Bethlehem, Saint John Vianney, not to mention Padre Pio and many others!
Their stories are amazing. Yes, Purgatory is real, and it is highly advisable to think about it now before tackling the last station of our life on earth.

How can we avoid this very painful purification before entering the embrace of God where we experience the perfect union of love with Him? Here are a few points to remember:–
Do a lot for souls in purgatory.
- Have Masses celebrated for them, offer a rosary, a way of the cross, a fast, or offer some of our sufferings for them. Mary tells us that when we pray for the souls in Purgatory, we obtain intercessors who in turn will intercede for us. These souls will help us not to attach ourselves to earthly things, but to God.–
2.Practice humility, this very powerful weapon against Satan.–
3. Have complete confidence in God’s goodness and trust in his infinite mercy.–
4. Be very charitable towards the poor, and give God the tithe of our income. “Charity covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).–
5. Take care of our elderly parents and devote ourselves to them.–
6. Renounce sin and frequent regularly the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).–
7. Be merciful and readily forgive offenses received. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy,” Jesus tells us. (Matt. 5:7)–
8. Judge noone. “Judge not, that we be not judged,” Jesus tells us. (Mat 7:1)–
9.Above all, avoid gossip and slander, as well as any sin against charity. Unconfessed slander requires a very long and painful purification in purgatory.