Medjugorje: “The power Satan holds will be taken away.”
by Papaboys 3.0 Editorial board
This message of the Virgin was immediately sent to Pope John Paul II. “With the events that are being prepared and which are near, the power that he still holds will be taken from Satan.”
In the letter to the Pope dated December 2, 1983, published by René Laurentin in “The Virgin appears at Medjugorje?”, Queriniana, Brescia 1984, pp. 156-158,
“During the apparition of December 25, 1982, according to Mirjana, Our Lady confided her the tenth and last secret and revealed the dates in which the different secrets would occur. The Virgin has revealed to Mirjana many aspects of the future, so far more than those told to the other seers. For this reason I report here what Mirjana told me in the interview on November 5, 1983. I summarize the essential aspects of her story, without quoting to the letter:
– Before the visible sign that will be given to humanity, there will be three warnings to the world. Warnings will be events that will happen on earth. Mirjana will be a witness. Three days before one of the warnings, she will inform a priest of her choice. The testimony of Mirjana will be a confirmation of the apparitions and an incitement to the conversion of the world.
After the warnings, the visible sign will come on the site of the apparitions in Medjugorje, for all of humanity. The sign will be given as a testimony of the apparitions and an invitation to faith.
– The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They are a punishment for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, because the conversion of the whole world should not be expected. Punishment can be mitigated by prayers and penance, but it can not be avoided. According to the seventh secret, an evil that threatened the world was canceled thanks to prayer and fasting, says Mirjana. For this reason, the Virgin continues to invite to prayer and fasting: – You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can ward off war and suspend natural laws.
– After the first warning, the others will follow shortly. Men will have time to convert.
– This time is the period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign, those who will remain alive will have little time for conversion. For this reason, the Virgin calls for urgent conversion and reconciliation.
– The invitation to prayer and penance is destined to ward off evil and war and above all to save souls.
– According to Mirjana, we find ourselves close to the events predicted by the Virgin. In the name of this experience, Mirjana tells humanity:
– Convert yourselves as soon as possible, open your hearts to God.
In addition to this essential message, Mirjana says she had, in 1982, an apparition that casts, in our opinion, rays of light on the history of the Church. It tells an apparition in which Satan presented herself with the appearances of the Virgin; satan asked Mirjana to renounce the Madonna and follow him, because she would make her happy, in love and in life; while, with the Virgin, he would have to suffer, he said. Mirjana rejected him. And immediately the Virgin appeared and Satan disappeared. The Virgin basically told her the following:
– Excuse me for this, but you must know that Satan exists; one day he presented himself before the throne of God and asked permission to tempt the Church for a certain period. God allowed him to test it for a century. This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets that have been entrusted to you are fulfilled, his power will be destroyed . Already now he begins to lose his power and has become aggressive: he destroys marriages, raises discord between priests, creates obsessions, murders. You must protect yourself with prayer and fasting; especially with community prayer. Take blessed symbols with you. Put them in your homes, resume the use of the holy water. “

Dear all,
Among lots of questions regarding this message dated 1982 I have a major question how can the Madona said,” excuse me for this!!”
What theology is this!!!
Forgive me God for using the logic you put in my head.
Thank you for your question. But the important “Theology” of Medjugorje is fairly simple : “Put God on the first place and have peace in the heart”
Medjugorje is not about theology but rather the Gospels
The power of Satin will exist as long as the humanity exists, so the power of Satin will be taken away only and only when the humanity exists no are you trying to say that the Armageddon day is in our Time!!! No one knows the time but God not even the son…..
My brothers and sisters please go to the source and trust only Jesus who only can give us peace and light.
“The power of Satin..”?
Your post clearly goes against Rev 20.
If our Holy Mother is telling us about what to do and what’s happening then I believe her.
The Madonna showed her the reality of the evil one by directly seeing him for what he is- almost unimaginable evil. I saw her interviewed almost 20 years after this experience, and it was something that still greatly upset her. Exorcists and others who have experienced such evil firsthand (NDE’s, for example) often describe it as having part of themselves dying.
Ive been, I believe but I question this “sign(s)” stuff as it could be a satanic trap. Why? it makes people think they still have time.
Pray for Medjugorje; pray for the world. Pray for unbelievers. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph pray for us.
We simply have to Trust God. Faith Charity and Love is what we require to be saved. The Great Chastisement is yet to come for our persistence in sin, let us pray and fast That our Merciful God will shorten the days of punishment.
Satan does exist. I was there last year and heard the roars of the demon’s when our lady was appearing to one of the visionaries. Seen a picture of Kim Jong un sitting on a pale horse this week….
The Lord God Jehovah resided with his people among a cloud in Biblical times and when they started to move away from him and the Laws given to them, he shifted the cloud away from their camp until the repented and called upon him again.we have through generations moved away from thos Laws and now live in Satans world. We need to ask for forgiveness and turn back to our God.
THANK GOD, “The power Satan holds will be taken away”-My God, he sure has done a bang up job ruining MY LIFE, with my dysfunctional, non-religious family, by being robbed, etc…
Our Blessed Mother will only guide us to her SON, our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Our Blessed Mother will crush the head of Satan. The devil is a coward and a liar. Time is short for the dark angel and his co-horts and knows it. Look at our world today, Human trafficing, the innocence of children taken away from them. No prayer in schools. Drug trafficing. Politicians wanting to legalize
prostitution. Abortion called a woman’s right! What about the Baby – separate individual also has rights RIGHTS TO LIFE. Our LORD said – let the children come to me. Anyone hurting one of his little ones might as well as put a noose around his neck and jump in the water. America and other Countries need to change and repent starting with politicians and everyone of us with prayer and penance. Great Hollywood is giving up sex. Great penance.
Mercy LORD JESUS. Amen