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Today Our Lady told Mirjana that she will no longer appear to her on the 2nd of each month. Please join us in prayer.
Todays March 18 th message to Mirjana
Dear children,
My Son as God has always looked beyond time. I, as his mother, see through him through his time. I see beautiful things and bad things . But I see that there is love and it must be made sure that it is made manifest. My children, you cannot be happy if you do not love one another, if you do not have love in every situation and in every moment of your life. And I as a mother come to you through love.
To help you know true love, to know my Son. This is why I call you to continually renew your thirst for love, faith and hope. The only source from which you can quench your thirst is trust in God, my Son. My children in times of anxiety and renunciation, it is enough that you seek the face of my Son .
Live his words and don’t be afraid. Pray and love with sincere feelings, with good deeds and help that the world changes and my heart triumphs. Like my Son, I also tell you to love one another , because without love there is no salvation. I thank you my children “

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I feel she will no longer appear to Mirjana on the 2 of each month because the time is near. I wonder does any one else feel the same way?
My initial reaction is the same, it is not likely the end for Mirjana as she will still have Our Ladies’ visits every year on her birthday the article says. God is good all the time
I feel the secrets are ready to be revealed.
why is Our Lady not appearing on the 2nd of month again
I never did believe these ‘modern’ visions. Hope it’s going to stop.
I don’t think she gave a reason.
Here is an excellent radio podcast discussing the possible reason for the end of monthly apparitions. It’s a little long but worth listening to (most interesting starts about 8 minutes into the podcast).