Medjugorje: “The presence of the Papal Envoy means suspicion of heresy no longer exists… The Fruits are there” July 24, 2019
Medjugorje, Hoser: the doubt about the apparitions? The Fruits are there.
From Luca Scapatello -07/24/201
Translated by Google from Italian
How has the attitude and position of the Church in Medjugorje changed? One year after his mandate, Archbishop Hoser takes stock of the situation

Medjugorje: interviewed by ‘Avvenire’ the apostolic visitor confirmed the goodness of the cult that is professed in the Bosnian country.
The task of the Apostolic Visitor in Medjugorje
When the Holy Father decided to send Archbishop Hoser emeritus of the Diocese of Krakow-Prague to Monsignor Hoser, a decisive opening of the Vatican to the recognition of the Marian cult professed in the Bosnian country was thought of in Medjugorje . In reality, his presence is indeed a sign of openness, but also and above all a protection against the pilgrims who every year (about 2 million) decide to go there on a pilgrimage.
In the first six months the apostolic visitor limited himself to observing and analyzing the cult and after that period of observation he sent a report to Pope Francis. Having read the conclusions of the Apostolic Visitor , Bergoglio decided to appoint him as curator of the pastoral care of Medjugorje indefinitely . This appointment consists in a confirmation of the opening to pilgrimages to the place of Marian worship, but also in wanting to standardize the pastoral care of the place with the dictates of the Vatican.
The presence of Hoser meant that the suspicion of heresy no longer lingered on Medjugorje: in several interviews he explained how the cult is Christocentric and how good fruits come from that land (conversions, vocations and healings).

The first year of work of Monsignor Hoser
In this first year as a permanent apostolic visitor, Monsignor Hoser worked hard to care for the pastoral care of the local diocese and to better organize the reception of pilgrims: ” Today my mission in Medjugorje – says Hoser in an article reported in the newspaper Avvenire – it is to accompany the pilgrims who come from all the continents and be beside them. The most numerous are Italians and Poles. But there are pilgrims from eighty different countries “.
As for the worship and teaching of doctrine, then Monsignor Hoser believes that the work to be done is not so much: ” Medjugorje is an international prayer reference where extraordinary spiritual fruits are touched. I refer for example to conversions, priestly and religious vocations, and incessant confessions. I don’t think there are traces of heresy “.

Doubt about apparitions
In short, the only doubt remains about the Marian apparitions that the six visionaries claim to have had for almost 40 years (here is the text of the last message ). In this regard the pope will express himself when he deems it more appropriate, for the moment his opinion is to untie the cult from supernatural phenomena, a choice that Hoser considers very wise: ” The Pope’s farsighted decision to have disconnected from the closeness to the pilgrims the recognition or not of the alleged visions shows the concern of the Church towards all those who entrust themselves with a sincere heart to the maternal intercession of Mary also going to this small town of Herzegovina “.
Luca Scapatello